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(快乐) happy; glad; joyful; cheerful: 欢 ~ happy and gay Ⅱ ❶ (喜欢) enjoy; be glad to; love; find pleasure in: ~ 善好施 love to do philanthropic work; ~ 此不疲 enjoy doing sth. without stop; never be bored with sth.
❷ [口] (笑) laugh; be amused: 逗得直 ~ laugh with amusement; 你 ~ 什么呀? What are you laughing at?; What's the joke? Ⅲ ❶ (愉快; 满足) pleasure; enjoyment: 享 ~ enjoy life; 作 ~ amuse oneself
❷ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 义 Le Yi Ⅳ (乐意) gladly; happily; willingly: 非我所 ~ 闻 not what I would like to hear
另见 see also yuè。
◆乐不可支 be overwhelmed with joy; as pleased as Punch; be beside oneself with happiness; be in raptures over [about] ...; be overjoyed; be thrilled with joy; be thrown into raptures; can hardly contain oneself for joy; extremely happy; One's joy knew no bounds.; 乐不思蜀 have much enjoyment and forget to go back home; abandon oneself to pleasures; have such a good time that one forgets to go home; indulge in pleasure and forget home and duty; so happy as to forget one's home country; too happy to think of home; 乐此不倦[疲] never be bored with sth.; always enjoy it; delight in a thing and never get tired of it; love [enjoy] doing sth. without stop; 乐道 take delight in talking about sth.; be only too glad to talk about sth.; 乐得 readily take the opportunity to; be happy to have the chance to; be only too glad to; 乐而不淫 joyous but not indecent; One should enjoy, but not indulge in lewdness.; pleasant but not obscene; 乐观 optimistic; hopeful; sanguine; hope for the best; 乐观主义 optimism; 乐果 Rogor; Cygon; Daphene; Dantox; Demos L 40; Rebelata; Roxion; De-Fend; fosfamid; Perfekthion; Dimetate; dimethoate; Dimethogen; 乐呵呵 buoyant; happy and gay; 乐极生悲[悲生] Too great pleasure will bring about sadness.; After joy comes sadness.; Drunken days all have their tomorrows.; Extreme joy begets sorrow.; Extreme joy gives rise to sorrow.; Extreme pleasure ends in sorrow.; Feeling of sadness follows about of pleasure.; Great happiness would culminate in sorrow.; Great joy leads to sadness.; Joy at its height engenders sorrow.; 乐趣 delight; pleasure; joy; 乐山大佛 the Giant Stone Buddha at Leshan Mountain (in Sichuan Province); 乐善好施 be happy in doing good; always glad to give to charities; be always ready to help in a worthy cause; be prodigal of benefactions; do good naturally and happily; interested in charities; love to do philanthropic work; 乐事 pleasure; delight; bit of jam; 乐陶陶 [书] cheerful; happy; joyful; 乐天 carefree; happy-go-lucky; 乐天知命 rest content; be content with what one is; be easily contented; contented completely with one's lot; rest satisfied with one's life; submit to the will of Heaven and be content with one's lot; 乐土 land of happiness; the land of promise; the promised land; paradise; 乐意 be willing; be ready to; pleased; happy; 乐于 be happy to; take delight in; 乐园 paradise; Eden; amusement [pleasure] park; 乐滋滋 [口] contented; pleased; 乐子 [方] pleasure; sth. one enjoys; sth. that makes one laugh


❶ (音乐) music: 交响 ~ symphony; symphonic music; 器[声] ~ instrumental [vocal] music; 室内 ~ chamber music; 奏 ~ play music
❷ (姓氏) a surname:~ 毅 Yue Yi
另见 see also lè。
◆乐池 orchestra pit; orchestra; 乐段 {音} period; 乐队 orchestra; band; 乐府 a government office in the Han Dynasty (206 B.C.-A.D.220) for collecting folk songs and ballads; such folk songs and ballads, or their imitation written by scholars; 乐歌 music and songs; songs accompanied by music; 乐理 {音} music theory; 乐律 {音} temperament; 乐谱 music score; music; 乐器 musical instrument; instrument; [美俚] axe; 乐曲 musical composition; composition; music; 乐师 musicians; 乐坛 music circles; 乐团 philharmonic society; philharmonic orchestra; 乐舞 dance accompanied by music; 乐音 musical sound; tone; musical tone; 乐章 {音} movement





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