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❶ (乌鸦) crow; raven; rook
❷ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 枝鸣 Wu Zhiming Ⅱ (黑色) black; dark: ~ 眼青 black eye; ~ 黑的头发 dark hair Ⅲ [书] (何; 哪里) how; what's: ~ 有此事? How can such a thing be? ~ 足道哉? What's there worth mentioning about it?
另见 see also wù。
◆ 乌鸫 kamao; merl; merle; ouzel; blackbird; 乌饭树 oriental blueberry; 乌鲂 pomfret; Brama brama; Bonnaterre; 乌飞兔走 the movement of the sun and the moon; Time passes swiftly.; Time flies.; 乌干达 Uganda; 乌骨鸡 {动} black-bone chicken; {中药} black-bone chicken; Gallus Domesticus; 乌龟 {动} tortoise; cuckold; 乌龟王八 turtles; tortoises and all the scum of the earth; all kinds of scoundrels; 乌合之众 a motley crew (crowd); a disorderly crowd; a gathering of crowds; a crowd assembled like crows; a motley force that knows no discipline; sheep that have no shepherd; tag-rag and bobtail; mob; rabble; ragabash [riffraff]; 乌黑 pitch-black; jet-black; 乌呼 [书] die; alas; alack; 乌鸡白凤丸 {中药} Wuji Baifen Wan; 乌鸡白眼 with a venomous look of hatred; jealous, watching eyes (like those of black hens); (with) hostile looks; 乌桕 {植} Excoecaria sebifera; Sapium sebiferum; Chinese tallow tree; 乌克兰 Ukraine; 乌拉 wula, corvée labour formerly imposed on Xizang serfs; wula labourer; 乌拉尔 Ural; 乌拉圭 Uruguay; 乌兰牧骑 a Nei Monggol revolutionary cultural troupe mounted on horseback; 乌榄 {植} canarium pimela; Chinese black olive; 乌利纶 [日] Urylon; 乌亮 glossy black; jet-black; 乌溜溜 dark and liquid; 乌龙茶 oolong (tea); 乌鲁木齐 Urumqi; 乌梅 smoked plum; dark plum; 乌煤 fusite; fusain; mineral charcoal; 乌墨蒲桃 Java plum; 乌木 {植} ébano; ebony; 乌七八糟 in a horrible mess; in great disorder; (turn things) upside down; obscene; dirty; filthy; 乌搔 ursol; 乌纱帽 black gauze cap; official post; 乌梢蛇 {中药} zaocys dhumnade; 乌苏里江 the Wusuli River; 乌索酸 malol; ursonic acid; ursone; 乌头 {中药} the rhizome of Chinese monkshood; wolf's bane; {化} aconite; 乌涂 lukewarm; not clear-cut; not straightforward; 乌托邦 Utopia; 乌心病 black heart; 乌鸦 crow; 乌焉成马 When a book is copied thrice, some characters become alike.; printer's error; printing mistakes owing to similar forms; 乌烟瘴气 The atmosphere was foul.; a pestilential atmosphere; foul atmosphere; a turgid atmosphere of ignorance and confusion; befoul the atmosphere; black smoke and pestilential vapours; pandemonium; 乌药 {中药} the root of three-nerved spicebush; 乌叶猴 lotong; lutong; 乌油油 shining black; pitch-black; jet-black; 乌有 [书] nothing; naught; 乌鱼 {动} snakehead; snakeheaded fish; 乌云 black clouds; dark clouds; 乌云蔽日 Murky clouds obscured the sun.; Clouds hide the sun.; Bad ministers surrounded the emperor.; 乌云沉沉 Dark clouds lour [lower; move down; drop].; Black clouds hang low.; 乌云滚翻 Black clouds scud past overhead; 乌云滚滚 Dark clouds lour.; Dark clouds are scudding across the sky.; 乌云笼罩 Dark clouds hang heavily over ...; 乌云漫天 The entire sky is overspread with dark clouds.; 乌云密布 (The sky) clouded over.; Black clouds gather overhead.; Dark clouds were gathering in the sky.; The clouds gathered black.; 乌云压城 Dark clouds hang over the city.; 乌云压城城欲摧 The city might crumble under the mass of dark clouds.; 乌云压顶 Black clouds pressed down overhead.; Dark clouds were gathering overhead.; There were dark clouds overhead.; 乌云遮天 Black clouds blotted out the sky.; The sky was covered with dark clouds.; 乌枣 smoked jujube; black jujube; 乌贼 {动} cuttlefish; inkfish; 乌兹别克斯坦 Uzbekstan; 乌孜别克族 the Ozbek [Uzbek] Nationality, living in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region; 乌嘴黑眉 dark in complexion


构词成分: ~ 拉 [- lɑ] (东北地区冬天穿的鞋, 用皮革制成, 里面垫乌拉草) leather boots lined with wula sedge; ~ 拉草 [- lɑ cǎo] {植} wula sedge
另见 see also wū。





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