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单词 之乎者也

之乎者也zhī hū zhě yě

archaisms; literary jargon; pedantic gibberish (/terms/twaddle)
❍ 他对人说话,总是满口~,教人半懂不懂的。(鲁迅《呐喊·孔乙己》21) He used so many archaisms in his speech,it was impossible to understand half he said.
❍ 初时卜家也还觉得新色,后来见来的回数多了,一个生意人家,只见这些 “~” 的人来讲呆话,觉得可厌,非止一日。(《儒林外史》262) To begin with the Bu family enjoyed the novelty of their company,but they soon found it too much of a good thing and,as tradesmen,lost patience with these bookworms with their foolish,high-falutin talk. Bu Cheng and Bu Xin complained more than once.
❍ 孔乙己立刻显出颓唐不安模样,脸上笼上了一层灰色,嘴里说些话; 这回可全是~之类,一些不懂了。(《鲁迅选集》上—12) His face would turn pale and his lips move,but only to utter those unintel ligible classical expressions.
❍ 到晚,牛浦回家,问着他,总归不出一个清帐,口里只管“~”,胡支扯叶。(《儒林外史》259) That evening on Niu Pu’s return,the old man demanded an explanation; but Niu Pu was unable to clear himself and simply mumbled some literary jargon with a great deal of other nonsense.
❍ 更可厌者‘~’,非理即文,大不近情,自相矛盾;……(《红楼梦》 3) What makes these romances even more detestable is the stilted bombastic language—inanities dressed in pompous rhetoric,remote alike from nature and common sense and teeming with the grossest absurdities.
❍ 且环婢开口,即 ‘者也之乎’,非文即理,……(鲁迅《中国小说史略》204) In fact,even the maids in them talk like pedants on classical literature and philosphy; …/又因为难,有些人便当作宝贝,象玩把戏似的,~,只有几个人懂,……(鲁迅《三闲集·无声的中国》5)Again,because it is hard,some regard it as a treasure and amuse themselves by using erudite terms which only a small minority under stands.

之乎者也zhi hu zhe ye

particles of literary Chinese pedantic terms


literary jargon;pedantic terms;pedantries;archaisms

之乎者也zhī hū zhě yě

之、乎、者、也:文言助词。多用于讥讽人咬文嚼字或卖弄学问。archaisms, literary jargon, pedantic terms





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