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单词 义正词严

义正词严词严义正;辞严义正;义正辞严yì zhèng cí yán

be categorically (/boldly/justly and severely) termed; in categorical (/no uncertain/unequivocal/straightforward) terms; righteous (/solemn) and severe; speak sternly out of a sense of justice; speak with the force of justice
❍ 若飞同志~的答辩,弄得伪法院院长和靳法官面红耳赤,挠头抓腮,好半天泛不上话来。(杨植霖《王若飞在狱中》28) The court and the judge were struck dumb by this hardhitting and pungent comeback. They blushed to their ears,then started to scratch their heads and cheeks.
❍ 周恩来同志~地痛斥了张国焘的投降主义路线,坚决表示: 我们必须立即行动起来,暴动断不可推迟,更不可停止。对于暴动,我党应当站在独立领导的地位,绝不可依靠军阀。(《敬爱的周总理我们永远怀念您》 Ⅱ—33) He sternly criticized Zhang Guotao’s capitulationist line and firmly stated that the uprising must not be postponed,let alone stopped,and that our Party should exercise independent leadership over the uprising,never relying on any warlords.


speak sternly out of sense of justice;speak with the force of justice;speak in all seriousness
~地驳斥谬论sternly (or solemnly) refute the fallacies/~地指出point out in severe and categorical terms





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