释义 |
义无反顾yì wú fǎn gùbe duty-bound not to turn back; forget all else in the pursuit of duty; honour permits no turning back; proceed without hesitation ❍ 夫边郡之士,闻烽举燧燔,皆摄弓而弛,荷兵而走,流汗相属,唯恐居后,触白刃,冒流矢,~,计不旋踵,人怀怒心,如报私仇。(《史记·司马相如列传》)The brave men of the other border provinces of our empire as soon as they see the beacon fires burning or the smoke signals rising,all seize the bows and gallop off,shoulder their weapons and hasten on foot,dashing off in sweaty haste,each fearful only that he will be last.Plunging upon the bare blades of the foe,braving the rain of arrows,they forget all else in the pursuit of duty,nor do they think for a moment to turn aside their steps,each in his breast is burning with anger,as though he were avenging a private wrong. 义无反顾Honor permits no turning back;be duty-bound not to retreat 义无反顾yì wú fǎn ɡù义:正义,道义。这里指应该做的事;反顾:向后看。做正确合理的事情,不能后退。be dutybound not to turn back, honour permit no turning back |