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单词 义形于色

义形于色yì xíng yú sè

be carried away by righteous indignation; one’s face shows no com promise with evil; with indignation written on one’s face
❍ 西莹先生这回是~,在《现代评论》四十八期的《闲话》里很为被书贾擅自选印作品,因而受了物质上损害的作者抱不平。(《鲁迅选集》 Ⅱ-120) In the “Idle Chat”of Modern Review,Number 48,Mr Chen Yuan,carried away by righteous indignation,protests on behalf of those writers who have suffered material loss by having their works pirated.
❍ 严致和又拿出五十两银子来,交与二位,~去了。(《儒林外史》70) Yan Dayu gave another fifty taels of silver to the Wang brothers,who then left,exuding righteousness from every pore.
❍ 有时候,甚至于连真的~的公话也会觉得古怪,珍奇,于是乎而下等脾气的“不识抬举”遂告成功,或者会终于不可救药。(《鲁迅选集》Ⅱ—123) Sometimes a genuinely indignant outburst strikes me as odd and queer. This has put the finishing touch to my low class “ingratitude,”and,indeed,made it incur able.
❍ 划然停止了。吴荪甫“~”地举起左手的食指在桌子边上猛击一下。(茅盾《子夜》131) Wu Sunfu stopped abruptly,bringing his fore-finger down with a crack on the table to emphasize his point,his face beaming self-righteously.
❍ 群曰: “臣与华歆服膺先朝,今虽欣圣化,犹~。”(刘义庆《世说新语·方正》) Qun replied,“Your servant and Hua Xin cherish the former dynasty in our hearts,and today,though we rejoice in your sage rule,still the old loyalty shows in our faces.”

义形于色yì xínɡ yú sè

形:显现;色:面容。主持正义的激情表现在脸上。形容人敢于主持公道,打抱不平。with indignation on one’s face, with indignation written on one’s face, have an indignant look





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