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单词 举棋不定

举棋不定jǔ qí bù dìng

[of a chess-player] lift his man without a definite object; be unable to make up one’s mind; have two minds; hesitate about (/over) what move to make; indecisive; irresolute;shilly shally;vacillate; waver
❍ 奕者~,不胜其耦。(《左传·襄二十五年》1042) If a chess-player lifts his man without a definite object,he will not conquer his opponent.
❍ 这~,就因为观察不精,因而品题也不确,……(《鲁迅选集》Ⅳ—174) This constant shifing is due to imperfect observation which leads to inaccurate judgements.
❍ 他警告他:到了处理具体问题的时候,有些~的、业已申请入社的农民,思想还是会有波动的。(周立波《山乡巨变》274) He warned her that when it came to dealing with such problems some vacillating peasants who had already applied to join the co operatives might still be undecided.


hesitate;waver;vacillate;be irresolute;be unable to make up one’s mind; hesitant;indecisive

举棋不定jǔ qí bù dìnɡ

举起棋子不知走哪一步好。比喻拿不定主意。be unable to make up one’s mind, hesitant, have two minds, indecisive, shilly-shally





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