单词 | glass |
释义 | glass/ɡlɑ:s,AmE ɡlæs/ n;vt [-es / ɪz/] n (1)玻璃(hard transparent substance made into sheets,shapes,etc, eg for windows,bottles,etc)[U]:reinforced/toughened/strengthened/frosted~强化/韧化/强化/磨砂玻璃;a pane/sheet of~一块玻璃;broken~破碎的玻璃;as smooth as~像玻璃一样光滑;a~jug/window/bottle/eye/factory玻璃罐/窗/瓶/眼睛/厂; (2) 1)玻璃杯(container made of glass,used for holding liquids)[C](常用于合成词):a brandy/sherry/whisky/wine~白兰地/雪利/威士忌/葡萄酒杯;a clean/broken/cracked~一只干净/破/有裂纹的杯子;2)杯中物(contents of this)[C]:have a~of milk/beer喝一杯牛奶/啤酒;get/pour sb a~of wine 给某人斟一杯酒;drink several~es of water 喝几杯水; (3)玻璃器皿(objects made of glass)[U](= glassware):collect plenty of old~收集大量的玻璃器皿;valuable collection of medieval Italian~收藏的贵重的中世纪意大利玻璃器皿;acres of~几英亩暖房;grow under~在暖房中生长; (4)眼镜(two pieces of glass in a metal,plastic,etc frame worn in front of the eyes to improve one's sight)[pl](=spectacles infml specs,AmE eyeglasses):dark/thick/reading~es 深色/厚厚的/老花眼镜;wear/put on/polish/need/get a new pair of~es 戴/戴上/擦亮/需要/得到一副新眼镜;~es case 眼镜盒; (5)镜子(mirror)[C,通常sing]:look in the~照镜子;stand in front of the~站在镜子前面; (6)晴雨表(meter that shows the rise or fall in air pressure)[C,the~]:The~is rising/falling.气压在上升/下降。 →′glassful n 一杯的容量;′glassy adj 像玻璃的;′glassblower n 吹制玻璃器皿的工人;′glasscutter n 切割玻璃的工人(工具);′glassware n 玻璃器皿;′glassworks n 玻璃厂;′glasshouse n 玻璃暖房,温室;(BrE infml) 军事监狱; vt 装(镶)玻璃(cover sb with glass)[T+n+prep (in/over)]:a~ed-in veranda 镶玻璃的阳台;~in the open porch 用玻璃封上开放的走廊 |
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