sovereignty;sovereign rights
本组织系基于各会员国~平等之原则。The Organization is based on the principle of the sovereign equality of all its members./国家的独立和~平等,是国际法上的一项根本原则。Independenee and sovereign equality among states is a fundamental principle of international law./侵略不能产生~,这是国际法的一条基本准则。It is a basic norm of international law that invasion does not entail sovereignty./~问题是不能谈判的。Sovereignty is not negotiable./互相尊重~和领土完整mutual respect of sovereignty and territorial integrity/以~换治权exchange sovereignty for administration/以~者的资格行事act in sovereign capacity/侵犯~violate (or infringe on)the sovereignty of/行使~ exercise sovereignty(over)/对香港恢复行使~resume the exercise of sovereignty over Hong Kong/民族尊严和国家~national dignity and state sovereignty/领土~territorial sovereignty/~平等sovereign equality/~权力sovereign authority/~完整full sovereignty;sovereign integrity/~行为sovereign act/~和领土完整sovereignty and territorial integrity/~范围内within one’s sovereign rights