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单词 glare
glare/ɡleǝ(r), AmE ɡler/ vi [-eing/riŋ/]; n

vi (1)眩目地照射(shine very brightly and hotly painfully to the eyes)[II+prepI+adv (down)]:The search lights~d. 探照灯发出刺眼的光。The sunlight was~ing in our eyes/on the ice.阳光在我们的眼前闪耀/冰面上反射出强烈的阳光。The tropic sun~d on the travellers. 热带的骄阳强烈地照射在旅行者身上。The sun~d down and she wished she had remembered to bring her hat.骄阳似火,她想要是记着带上帽子多好。〖同〗 glitter,flare,sparkle,glow,flash,blaze;

(2)怒目而视(look fiercely or angrily at sb/sth)[II+prep (at)]:He~d silently at his enemy.他默默地怒视着他的对头。

glare defiance/hate at sb/sth 愤怒/轻蔑地瞪着某人(物):They~d defiance at the magistrate/each other.他们轻蔑地瞧着治安官/彼此对视。

→ ′glaring adj 耀目的,刺眼的;愤怒的,凶恶的;显眼的;′glaringly adv 耀目(刺眼)地;

n (1) 眩目的强光(very bright unpleasant light (that is difficult to look at))[U]:avoid the~of the sun/the car's lights 避开刺眼的太阳光/汽车灯光;The window were tinted to reduce the~.在窗户上涂颜色以减轻强光照射。

(2)怒视,瞪眼(very fierce angry look or stare)[C]:give sb an hostile/an angry~敌意/愤怒地瞪某人一眼;shoot sb a~of displeasure 向某人射出不满的目光;shoot a suspicious~at sb 怀疑地瞪某人一眼;ignore sb's~不理睬某人愤怒的目光;look at sb with a~对某人怒目而视;

the glare of publicity 众目睽睽:The wedding was performed in the full~of publicity.婚礼是大张旗鼓地进行的。

【辨异】glare shine 指发出或反射光。glare 指发出一种令人不舒服的光,如:glare like a headlight(像汽车前灯一样发出刺眼的光);shine(发光)指持续不断地发出或反射光,如:shine in the sun(在阳光下闪耀)。





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