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单词 glance
glance/ɡlɑ:ns,AmE ɡlæns/ v [-s/ ɪz/;-d,-d/t/;-eing / ɪ ŋ/]; n

v (1)匆匆一瞥(give a rapid look)[I+prep]:~at a clock/a menu/an envelope 瞥一眼钟/菜单/信封;~at sb shyly/quickly/from behind the fan 羞怯地/飞快地/从扇子后面瞥了某人一眼;~over one's shoulder 回头向后瞥了一下;~round/about a room 略略扫视一下房间;~across at sb/out of the window at the serene sky 向那边瞥一眼某人/扫视窗外明朗的天空;~in the store windows向商店橱窗里瞥一眼;~up to see the door slowly opening 抬头瞥见门慢慢开了;~quickly away/back飞快地扫视一下远方/后面;~quickly down 匆匆看一眼;

(2)匆匆一阅,粗略地读(look over briefly;read sth quickly)[I+prep(at/down/over/through)]:~at the newspapers 浏览报纸;~down a list of items 匆匆看一眼项目单;~over the topic/the accounts/the minutes 匆匆读一下题目/看一下账目/看一下会议记录;~through the letter/the report粗略地读一下信/报告;~through sb's homework 匆匆看一下某人的作业;

(3)草草处理某事;简略提及某事(deal with sth or refer to sth roughly and breifly)[I+prep (at)]:(book/article/work)~at a problem/a question(书/文章/作品)肤浅地涉及一个难题/问题;~at the customs of ancient cultures简略地提到古代的文化习俗;In his book he only~s at difficulties of the new government.在书中他只简略地提到新政府面临的困难。

(4)(板球)斜击((in cricket) cause (the ball) to turn aside with the bat)[T+nT+n+prep]:~the bowl to fine leg把球击得偏向击球员左后方场地;

(5)闪烁(光)((of bright objects) flash with reflected light)[I][尤用prog]:water/brooks~ing in the sun/the sunlight 在太阳/阳光下闪着光的水/溪流;The helmets (sequins on the singer's dress)~d in the firelight/under the spotlights 钢盔(歌手衣服上的光片)在火光中/聚光灯下闪着光。

glance one's eye down/over/through sth 匆匆一看(infml):~one's eye down the classified advertisements匆匆地看一下分类广告;~one's eye over the newspaper/titles of the articles匆匆地看一下报纸/文章的标题;

glance off (v adv)弹离(vt):The arrow~d off my armour/my tree.那支箭擦着我的盔甲/我的树飞过。

→′glancing adj 擦过的;

n 一瞥(quick short look)[C]:take/have/cast/throw/steal a/one~at the sport news/the newspaper headlines/sb's face 瞥一眼体育新闻/报纸上的标题/某人的脸;give sb an admiring~羡慕地扫视一下某人;a brief/quick/curious/casual/furtive/fleeting/disapproving/timid/saucy~短暂/飞快/好奇/随便/狡诘/飞快/不赞成/羞怯/冒失的一瞥;follow sb lovingly with one's~用爱慕的目光目送某人;exchange~s 交换一下眼色;loving~s 爱慕的投视;

at a (single) glance 一瞥之下:I could tell at a~that things were not going well. 我一眼就看出事情进展不顺利。

at first glance 乍一看:At first~,the bullets looked the same as the others.乍一看,这些子弹同另外的一些一样。

【辨异】1)glance glimpse 的区别在于glance (v & n)指迅速一瞥,如:I glanced at the headlines in the newspaper before I went to the meeting.(开会前我匆匆看了一下报上的大标题。)cast a quick glance at sth(匆匆地看一眼某物);glimpse(瞥见)用作名词时可指一瞬间的视觉结果,如:I caught a glimpse of the Town Hall clock as we drove quickly past.(我们开着车飞快地经过市政厅时,我瞥见了那儿的钟。) 用作v 跟用作n 时意思相同,但不常用。 2)glance flash glitter 的区别见FLASH。





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