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❶ (接待别人的人) host: 宾 ~ host and guest; 东道 ~ host
❷ (权力或财物的所有者) master; owner; possessor: 一家之 ~ the master of the house; 债 ~ creditor; 业 ~ proprietor; 奴隶 ~ slave owner
❸ (当事人) interested persons or parties: 失 ~ owner of lost property; 买 ~ buyer
❹ (基督教徒对上帝、伊斯兰教徒对真主的称呼) God; Lord; Allah: 万军之 ~ (指耶和华) the Lord of Hosts; the God of Hosts; 真 ~ Allah
❺ (对事情的确定的见解) view; opinion; idea: 颇有 ~ 见 have definite views of one's own; 我一时心里没 ~。 For a moment I just didn't know what to do.
❻ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 问礼 Zhu Wenli Ⅱ ❶ (负主要责任; 主持) lead; manage; take charge of: ~ 婚人 parents or guardians of bride and bridegroom; ~ 事 manage the affairs; take charge of the business
❷ (主张) advocate; stand for: ~ 战 advocate war; ~ 战派 the hawks; ~ 和 stand for negotiation; advocate peace
❸ (预示) indicate; betoken; presage: ~ 凶 betoken ill luck; 早霞 ~ 雨, 晚霞 ~ 晴。 Rosy morning clouds indicate rain, and a rosy sunset means fine weather. Ⅲ ❶ (最重要的; 最基本的) main; principal; primary: ~ 截面 the principal section; principal cross-section
❷ (从自身出发的) subjective: ~ 格 the subjective case; nominative case
◆主办 direct; sponsor; hold; host; auspices; 主办单位 host unit; 主办国 host; 主笔 [旧] editor in chief; chief commentator; 主编 chief editor; editor in chief; managing editor; chief compiler; supervise the publication of (a newspaper, magazine, etc.); edit; 主宾 guest of honour; 主波 {电磁} dominant wave; principal wave; superior wave; 主餐 dinner; 主程序 main program; master program; main routine; master routine; 主持 take charge of; manage; direct; preside over; boss the show; host; chair; uphold; stand for; 主持人 compére; host; hostess; anchorman; anchorwoman; anchorperson; 主齿轮 master gear; 主传动 final transmission; main drive; main transmission; master drive; 主次 primary and secondary; 主从 principal and subordinate; 主导 leading; dominant; guiding; leading factor; 主导产业 prime mover industry; 主动 initiative; {机} driving; 主动齿轮 driving gear; drive gear wheel; driving toothed gear;gear pinion; power gear; 主动脉 {生理} aorta; 主动权 initiative; right of way; priority; 主队 {体} home team; host team; 主发动机 main engine; {宇航} sustainer motor; 主伐 {林} final felling [cutting]; 主阀 king valve; main valve; master valve; 主犯 {律} prime culprit; principal criminal; 主峰 the highest peak in a mountain range; main peak; {气} primary front; 主妇 housewife; hostess; 主干 {植} trunk; main force; mainstay; 主干道 trunk road; 主缸 {机} master cylinder; 主稿 (person who) drafts (statement, proposal) based on views and materials supplied by others; 主格 {语} nominative; nominative case; 主攻 {军} main attack; assault the main target; 主顾 customer; client; 主观 subjectivity; subjective; 主管 be responsible for; be in charge of; person in charge; 主光 key light; 主航道 main channel; main course; 主婚 preside over a wedding ceremony; 主机 {机} main en ̄ gine; master; host machine; principal machine; main ̄ frame; {军} lead plane; leader; 主祭 officiate at a funeral [sacrificial] service; 主见 one's own judgement; definite view; ideas or thoughts of one's own; set view; 主讲 be the speaker; give a lecture; 主将 chief commander; commanding general; mainstay; the most important athlete in a sports team; 主焦点 {光} meridional focus; primary focus; tangential focus; prime focus; principal focus; 主焦煤 coking coal; 主教 {宗} bishop; 主句 {语} main clause; main sentence; principal clause; matrix sentence; 主角(儿) leading role [character]; lead; protagonist; major character; 主考 be in charge of an examination; chief examiner; 主客 host and guest; guest of honour; 主课 main sub ̄ ject; major course; 主控 {电} master control; 主控制 {计} master control; 主控制台 master console; 主力 main force; main strength of an army; 主粮 staple food grain; 主梁 {房} primary beam; main girder; main beam; kingpost; spar boom; king-piece; 主流 main stream; main current; mother current; essential or main aspect; main trend; 主轮 leader (机器的); main-wheel; 主麻 {伊斯兰教} Djumah (Friday); 主谋 head a conspiracy; be the chief plotter; {律} chief instigator; principle conspirator; 主脑 control centre; centre of operation; essential point [aspect] of a matter; leader; chief; boss; leading light; 主炮 main armament; main artillery; 主仆 master and servant; 主权 sovereign rights; sovereignty; 主人公 leading character in a novel, etc.; hero or heroine; protagonist; 主人翁 master; hero; heroine; leading character in a novel, etc.; protagonist; 主任 director; head; chairman; 主任工程师 chief engineer; resident engineer; 主人 master; host; owner; proprietor; possessor; 主食 staple food; principal food; 主使 instigate; incite; abet; 主帅 commander in chief; 主题 theme; subject; topical [key] subject; motif; 主体 main body; main part; principal part; mainstay; {哲} subject; 主谓 subject-predicate; 主文 {律} main body of a court verdict; leading paragraph of judge's review; summing up the juristic position of case; 主席 chairman; president; 主席台 rostrum; platform; 主席团 presidium; bureau; 主线 {物} principal line; 主项 {数} dominant term; subject; 主销 swizzle; master pin; 主心骨 backbone; mainstay; pillar; definite view; one's own judgment; 主星 {天} primary component; 主刑 {律} principal penalty; 主修 special ̄ ize; major; be responsible for the repair [overhaul] (of a machine); 主演 act the leading role; be the main performer; starring; 主要 main; chief; principal; major; 主义 doctrine; -ism; 主意 idea; plan; decision; definite view; 主因 the major cause; the principal cause; 主音 {音} keynote; tonic; 主语 {语} subject; 主宰 dominate; dictate; decide; force that controls and governs the destiny of mankind or the development things; 主张 proposal; opinion; assertion; view; position; stand; proposition; advocate; stand for; lay claim to; set up a claim to; maintain; hold; 主旨 purport; substance; gist; 主治 the major functions of a drug; 主轴 {机} principal axis; chief axis; main arbor; main axle; main spindle; mainshaft; principal shaft; spindle; {光} main optic axis; 主子 master; boss

the Lord

❷God;Lord;the Master(基督教)
奴隶~ slave owner/先入为~prejudiced /预防为~ prevention first;prevention better than cure/自力更生为~ rely mainly on one’s own efforts/~教练principal coach





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