释义 |
为虎作伥wèi hǔ zuò chāngplay (/act as) a jackal to the tiger—assist the evildoer; be accom plices of; help a villain do evil; hold a candle to the devil;serve the enemy ❍ 这就是。满鞑子。~。(李六如《六十年的变迁》Ⅰ—79) For all this,the Manchu barbarians are to blame.They are the accomplices of the foreign invaders. ❍ 朋友,虽然在我们之中,有汉奸,有傀儡,有卖国贼,他们认仇作父,~,但他们那班可耻的人,终竟是少数。(方志敏《可爱的中国》34) My friends,although there are traitors and puppets among us who make up to abet our enemy,these shameless creatures are in the minority. ❍ 查汪逆收集党徒,附敌叛国,订立卖国密约,~,固国人皆曰可杀。(《毛泽东选集》680) Now that the traitor Wang Jingwei has gathered his gang together,betrayed his country,attached himself to the enemy and signed traitorous secret pacts,playing the jackal to the tiger,all our countrymen demand his death. ❍ ~的保安队,挨户团横行无忌,白色恐怖布满城乡。(《毛泽东选集》61) The enemy’s jackals—the peace preservation corps and the landlords’ levies—ran amuck,and White terror raged throughout the towns and countryside. 为虎作伥wei hu zuo changplay the jackal to the tiger—help a villain do evil 为虎作伥play the jackal to the tiger;help a villain do evil 为虎作伥wèi hǔ zuò chānɡ伥:古代传说被老虎吃掉的人,死后变成伥鬼,专门引诱人来给老虎吃。比喻做恶人的帮凶,帮坏人做坏事。help a villain do evil, serve the enemy, act as a lion’s provider |