释义 |
为所欲为wéi suǒ yù wéiact wilfully (/in a wilful way); do as one pleases (/wishes); do whatever one likes; follow one’s bent; have (/get)one’s own way; have (/take) one’s full swing; let oneself loose; stop at nothing ❍ 近更内政不修,外侮益急,今日献地,明日割城,卖矿卖路,~。(李六如《六十年的变迁》Ⅰ—261) In recent years the Manchu regime has not only gone from bad to worse in its domestic administration but in the face of increasing menace from foreign invaders it has continually and at complete random given concessions of land and cities and offered to sell mines and railways to the foreign powers. ❍ ~,一切反常,竟在乡村造成一种恐怖现象。(《毛泽东选集》 16) Doing whatever they like and turning everything upside down,they have created a kind of terror in the countryside. ❍ 在她来说当了太皇太后固然不便再替皇帝听政,但是在她与小皇帝之间有个听话的摄政王,一样可以~。(爱新觉罗·溥仪《我的前半生》21) As Grand Empress Dowager she would not have been able to rule on the emperor’s behalf,but with a docile Prince Regent between herself and the child emperor she could still have had everything herown way. 为所欲为do as one pleases;do whatever one likes;have one’s own way;act willfully 不能让他们~。They must not be allowed to do whatever they like. 为所欲为wéi suǒ yù wéi形容想干什么就干什么,任意行事,无所顾忌。do as one pleases, get (have) one’s own ways, let oneself loose, follow one’s bent |