(1)给予(cause sb to receive sth by handing it to him)[D+n+n,D+n+prep (to)]:~sb a book/a job/a telephone number 给某人一本书/份工作/个电话号码;~the old man one's arm 让老人挽着自己的胳膊;~sb one's hand to shake 与某人握手;He was given a £3000 pay rise/an artificial heart in a special operation. 他们的工资提高了3000英镑/给他做了一次专门手术,装了一个人工心脏。~the first prize to a French architect 将一等奖授予一名法国建筑师;〖反〗receive,get,take,accept;
(2)1)赠给(cause sb to receive sth as a present or gift)[D+n+n,D+n+prep (to)]:~one's friend a handsome little wooden box/a handsome little wooden box to one's friend 赠给朋友一个漂亮的小木盒;We were given a piano by a friend of ours. (A piano was given by a friend of ours.) 我们的一个朋友赠送给我们一架钢琴。〖同〗present,offer; 2)捐赠(钱)(尤指施舍)(supply money;contribute)[I,I+prep (to),T+n+ prep (to)]:~regularly 定期捐款;~generously to famine relief/freely to the poor慷慨解囊赈济灾民/自愿地捐钱给穷人;She gave her brother the bulk of her estate. 她把她的不动产大部分赠予了她哥哥。~money to charity 向慈善事业捐款;
(3)给,使有(allow sb to have sth)[D+n+n]:~sb the right/a chance/enough time 给某人权利/一次机会/足够的时间;~sb permission to make a decision 许可某人作出决定;~sb more responsibility/ten minutes 给某人更多的责任/10分钟的时间;
(4)付钱(出)(pay in exchange for sth)[T+n+prep (for),D+n+n]:~sb £1500/a good price for a painting 付给某人1500英镑/出好价钱购买一幅油画;How much/What will you~me for the silver teapot?这个银茶壶你出多少钱?
(5)提供(cause sb to have (esp sth non-material))[T+n,D+n+n,D+n+prep (to)]:~evidence at the trial 在审判中作证;~sb warmth/light/a good example/more information/one's opinion/some advice/a lot of pleasure 给某人温暖/光明/树立一个好的榜样/提供更多的信息/谈自己的看法/一些建议/许多乐趣;~sb one's regards/sales a boost/the room an old fashioned look 向某人表达自己的问候/使销售增加/使房间显得陈旧老式;
(6)致力;将(精力,时间等)献给(set aside(time,thought,strength,etc) for a purpose)[T+n,D+n+n,D+n+prep (to)]:~one's life in preserving democracy 献身于维护民主的事业;~the matter a lot of thought/one's work more attention 反复思考这件事/给予自己的工作更多的关注;~top priority to building the city 把城市建设放在一切工作之首;~all one's time to one's family/one's life to the cause of peace 把自己的全部时间都用来陪伴家人/将自己的毕生献给和平事业;〖同〗devote;
(7)处(惩)罚,(监禁)(punish in the stated way,esp to send to prison for the stated time)[D+n+n,D+n+prep (to)]:~the boy a spanking/a scolding/a whipping 打这个孩子屁股一巴掌/责骂孩子/鞭打孩子;~sb a six-month suspended sentence/the offender a stiff sentence 判某个人六个月的徒刑,缓期执行/对犯罪者作出严厉的判决;The policeman gave the prisoner to the warder.警察将犯人交于狱吏惩罚。
(8)使染上病,传染给(cause sb to suffer (the same thing,eg an illness) as oneself)[D+n+n,D+n+prep (to)]:~sb one's cold/one's cold to sb 把感冒传给一个人;Mice~sickness to human beings. 老鼠将疾病传给人类。
(9)辩解(offer as an excuse or explanation)[D+n+n](用祈使句):Don't~me that nonsense/rubbish about your bad leg,I know you don't want to go with us. 不要向我胡扯你的腿不好,我知道你是不想跟我们去。
(10)给……电话(make a phone call to sb)[D+n+n]:~sb a ring 给某人打电话;
(11)承认……是事实(admit the truth of sth)[D+n+n]:It's too late to go to the station,I~you that. 我承认现在去车站太晚了。
(12)举行;演出(offer a performance or amusement)[T+n,D+n+n]:~a poetry reading/a song recital/a press conference举行诗歌朗诵会/独唱音乐会/记者招待会;~a lecture/a concert/a play举办讲座/举办音乐会/演出话剧;Another performance will be given next week.下周将举行另一场演出。~sb a song for his birthday 为某人的生日演唱一支歌;
(13)举办(宴会,聚会等)(organize,hold,deliver a meal,party as a host)[T+n]:~a dinner party/a lunch设晚宴/午餐;
(14)做动作(perform or carry out (an action))[T+n]:~a start/a shrug of one's shoulder一惊/耸耸肩;~the signal to fire 发信号开火;
(15)对某人做出某一动作或行为(cause (an action) to be performed on or to sth/sb)[D+n+n]:~sb a kick/a push/a shove踢/推/猛推某人一下;~the ball/the door a kick踢球/门一下;~the tin a good polish/sb's hand a reassuring squeeze 把罐头盒擦亮/轻捏某人的手示意让其放心;
(16)发出(声音)(make a sound or sounds)[T+n]:~a groan/a laugh/a sigh发出呻吟声/笑声/叹息声;~a yell/a cry/a shout大声叫喊/大叫/大呼;
(17)祝酒,提议为……干杯(call on (people present) to drink to the health,etc of sb;ask people to drink a toast to sb)[D+n+n]:I~you the Queen/the President. 我提议为女王/总统干杯。
(18)(在某些体育比赛中)判定((in certain games) declare (a player) to be in the stated condition)[C+n+adj](通常pass)(BrE):~the batsman out 判定击球手出局;The center foreward was given off side.中锋被判越位。
(19)产生(感觉)(cause the specified feeling in sb)[D+n+n]:~sb a pain in the back/an appetite for sb's lunch使某人背痛/对午餐有食欲;~the idea 产生念头;
(20)弯(塌,陷)下,变形((of a substance,object,etc) bend, move, break or change shape(as a result of a force or pressure))[I]:The branch (ice) began to~under his weight. 树枝(冰)在他的重压下开始下垂(沉)。The plastic/surface/leather/roof~s. 这种塑料可拉长/表面可下沉/皮子可拉长/屋顶可压坏。 sb's leg/knee~s 某人的腿支持不住/膝无力;Frost~s.霜融化了。One side/Courage~s. (fig) 一方让步/勇气减弱。There is a lot of tension in the international situation at present;something has got to~soon.(fig)目前国际局势异常紧张,应该尽快缓和下来。
(21)(与名词连用其意义与该名词相应的动词意义相同)(perform an action as described by the noun):~sb a surprise/a nod of greeting/an excellent start in English/a profound analysis of the political struggle/a sketch of what has happened 使某人惊讶/向某人点头打招呼/让某人在英语方面有一个良好的开端/对政治斗争作一次深刻的分析/对所发生的事情作一次描述;
give and take 互相让步(迁就):We must all~and take a little if we want peace.如果我们想要和平,我们就必须相互让步。
give it to sb 指责,攻击(infml):Ann's mother gave it to her for being late. 安的母亲责备她来晚了。
give me sth/sb 更喜欢(infml):G~me a new toy anytime.我任何时候都喜欢新玩具。
give or take sth 增减……而无大变化;允许有……小误差:It must weight fifty kilos,~or take a kilo or two.这件东西想必有50公斤重,上下相差不过一两公斤。
give sb to believe/understand (that...)使某人相信(了解)[常用pass]:~sb to believe that she would come/it would be changed 使某人相信她会来/那事会发生;
give away (v adv) 1)(婚礼时)把新娘交给新郎(vt):Mr Jackson gave away his daughter.杰克逊先生把女儿交给了新郎。2)捐赠(vt):She gave away all her property to the local church.她把自己所有的财产捐给了当地教堂。3)颁发,分发(vt):We have invited a famous former school student to~away the school prizes.我们已邀请一位知名的校友来校颁发奖品。4)失掉,失去(vt):~away one's last chance of winning the election 失掉当选的最后机会; 5)泄露(机密),暴露(自己的情况)(vt):~away the secrets/one's real opinion on the matter/one's hiding place 泄露了机密/对这件事的真正意见/藏身之处;(accent)~sb away(口音)暴露了某人的身份;
give back (to)(v adv) 1)归还(vt):~sb back the atlas/sb the atlas back 把地图册还给某人。 G~the book back to your brother! 把书还给你哥哥!2)恢复(vt):Living here has given me back my health. 住在这里使我恢复了健康。
give sth for sth 以……换取;作出牺牲以争取某事:I'd~a lot for the chance to go abroad.为了获得出国的机会,我宁可付出更多努力。
give forth (v adv)发(放)出(vt)(fml或joc):(flowers)~forth an almost intoxicating scent(花)散发出令人陶醉的芳香;(bell)~forth a hollow sound(铃)发出空洞的声音;(dog)~forth a howl(狗)发出嚎叫;
give in (v adv)呈交(vt):~in one's resignation/one's papers呈上辞呈/文件;
give in (to)(v adv)让步,妥协,屈服(vi): He was compelled to~in.他被迫让步。He is always~ing in to other people.他总是迁就别人。
give off (v adv)散发出(vt):(flower)~off an unpleasant smell/sweet fragrance (花)散发出一种讨厌的怪味/着芳香;
give on to (v adv prep)面向,俯瞰(vt):The window of the house gave on to the street.房子的窗户面向大街。
give out (v adv) 1)用(耗)尽(vi):The fuel/supplies/money/food gave out soon.燃料/供给/钱/食物很快用完了。His strength/patience has given out.他的力量/耐心已耗尽了。2)(机器等)失灵,停止运转(vi):The engine/car suddenly gave out.发动机/汽车突然失灵了。(His leg) suddenly~out.他的腿突然失去功能。3)分(散)发(vt):~out the examination papers/the handbills/the programmes 分发考卷/散发传单/散发节目单; 4)放(发)出(vt):~out a yell/a sweet perfume/a strange signal 发出叫声/幽香/奇怪的信号; 5)宣布,广播(vt)(常pass):~out the news/the names of the winners/the football results广播新闻/宣布胜者名单/广播足球比赛结果;
give over (v adv)停(中)止 (vi & vt)(infml):G~over,will you? 停下来,好吗?G~over hitting your little brother.不要打你的弟弟。
give over to 1)沉溺于(……状态);专心致志于:~oneself over to one's work/despair专心致志于自己的工作/陷入绝望;~oneself over to helping people/writing full-time献身于帮助别人/把全部时间投入写作; 2)交(留)出(vt)(通常pass):The building was given over to the youth club.这所大楼用作青年俱乐部。
give up (v adv) 1)放弃尝试(vi):I~up,tell me what happened yesterday.我不猜了,告诉我昨天出了什么事。2)认为(某人)不能治愈/不会来了(vt):The doctors have given him up as incurable. 医生们认为他已无法治愈了。I had already given John up when suddenly he walked in. 我以为约翰不会来了,他却突然走进来了。 3)与……断绝往来(vt):He gave his friend up after the qurrel.争吵之后他与他的朋友绝交了。4)不再做(某事)(vt):~up smoking/drinking whisky 不再吸烟/喝威士忌;~up one's job/one's attempt/one's rights放弃自己的工作/努力/权利;~up the idea/the journey 放弃这种想法/这次旅行;
give up (to)(v adv) 1)投降,认输(vt):The escaped prisoner gave himself up to the police.逃犯向警察自首。2)交(让)出(vt):~the document up 交出文件;~up one's seat to an old lady 把坐位让给一位老太太;
give up on (v adv prep)已不抱希望,不再相信(vt)(infml):I~up on you;you'll never know anything about dictionaries.我对你已不报希望了,你永远也不会明白词典是怎么一回事。
→′give-away n 赠品;无意中暴露秘密的表情(话);
【辨异】give与grant和present三个词均指由另一个人给予某人的具体或抽象的东西。give 是很普通的词,如:give someone permission/a book(给某人许可/一本书);grant(授予物;拨款)限于同意一项要求,可用于赠给特权或完成一项所表达的愿望:grant a charter/prayer/permission(同意宪章/满足祈求/给予许可);present(赠送;呈献)比give更为正式,通常意味着通过一种仪式授予,如:present a citation to a regiment(向一个团颁发嘉奖状)。