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单词 临时抱佛脚

临时抱佛脚lín shí bào fó jiǎo

embrace Buddha’s feet in one’s hour of need—seek help at the last moment; make a fantastic last-minute effort
❍ 你的捣蛋儿子从来都不用功,考试前才~。Your naughty son has never studied diligently,so he always make fantastic last-minute efforts before examinations.
❍ 以后到期的支票,早一个礼拜告诉我,别叫我~,措手不及。(周而复《上海的早晨》 Ⅰ—390) In future you should give me at least a week’s notice of cheques falling due for payment and not leave it to the last moment so that I just haven’t enough time left to find the money.

临时抱佛脚lin shi bao fo jiao

embrace Buddha’s feet in one’s hour of need—seek help at the last moment


embrace Buddha’s feet in one’s hour of need:seek help at the last moment (or11th hour);make a frantic last-minute effort
平时不烧香,~。Never burn incense for Buddha,but embrace his feet in hour of need.





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更新时间:2025/3/2 4:28:26