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单词 丰富多采

丰富多采fēng fù duō cǎi

a rich variety of; rich and colourful; rich and varied; varicoloured;variegated
❍ 但是把全国的精神生产加在一起,我们的社会主义文化仍是~的。(周恩来《在文艺工作座谈会和故事片创作会议上的讲话》) However,when we add up the mental production of the whole country,our socialist culture is rich and colourful.
❍ 这几天~的紧张生活,在华静的生活历史上,是红日初升,花红叶茂的篇章,她觉得从来不曾有过这等使她感受强烈的情景。(吴强《红日》361) The rich,colourful,tense life that she had been leading the past few days formed a chapter lit by the ruddy glow of the rising sun and emblazoned with the splendour of flowers in full bloom in the story of her life and she felt that she had never before been in a situation that had affected her as strongly as this.
❍ 中国戏剧是以中国人民~的生活和他们的无穷智慧作为深厚基础的。The Chinese theatre is deeply rooted in the rich and varied life,the inexhaustible wisdom of the Chinese people.

丰富多采fēnɡ fù duō cǎi

采:神态,花色。内容丰富,品种繁多。rich and varied, rich and colourful, colourful, show colour and variety





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