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单词 丰功伟绩

丰功伟绩fēng gōng wěi jī

brilliant (/valiant)feats; brilliant (/great/splendid/tremendous)achievements;glorious services and achievements;great (/gigantic/immense/magnificent/monu mental/remarkable/signal/tremendous) contri butions; great (heroic/illustrious/meritorious)deeds; great meritorious service; great (/glorious/heroic/outstanding/sublime) exploits; immense merits
❍ 普通贫农带着要建立~的气概。(柳青《创业史》425) This ordinary peasant had the air of a man determined to accomplish big things.
❍ 这一切都是和周总理分不开的。周总理在几十年的外事工作中所建立的~是永存的。(《敬爱的周总理我们永远怀念您》Ⅰ—160)All these are inseparable from Premier Zhou whose immense contributions over the decades in the dip lomatic field will remain immortal.
❍ 他的革命精神,光照日月; 他的~,万古长存。(《敬爱的周总理我们永远怀念您》 Ⅰ—27) His revolutionary spirit will shine like the sun and the moon;his magnificent contributions are immortal.
❍ 纪念他在第一次国共合作时期,把旧三民主义发展成新三民主义的~。(《毛泽东选集》 Ⅴ—311)We pay tribute to him for his signal contribution in developing the new Three People’s Principles from the old Three People’s Principles in the first period of co operation between the Kuomintang and the Com munist Party.


famous feat


signal(or momumental)contribution;magnificent exploits and great feats

丰功伟绩fēnɡ ɡōnɡ wěi jī

丰:多。伟大的功绩。great achievements, magnificent exploits and great feats, heroic deeds





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