释义 |
丰(Ⅰ❶ ❷、Ⅱ豐)fēnɡⅠ ❶ (丰富) abundant;plentiful;rich;full:五谷 ~ 登 an abundant harvest of all food crops ❷ (大) great:~ 功伟绩 great contributions and heroic deeds;great achievements ❸ (美好的容貌和姿态) fine-looking;good-looking;handsome;full and round:~ 采 fine manners;graceful bearing Ⅱ (姓氏) a surname:~ 稷 Feng Ji ◆丰碑 monument;monumental work; 丰采可人 a man of prepossessing appearance; 丰采韶秀 be of a most refined and prepossessing appearance; 丰采依然 One's elegance remains as before.; 丰产 high yield;bumper crop; 丰登 bumper harvest; 丰登之年 a year of abundance;a year of abundant [good] harvest;a prosperous year; 丰而不肥 be plump without being fat; 丰富 abundant;ample;aplenty;rich;plentiful;(使丰富) enrich; 丰富多采 be rich and varied;colourful and rich in variety;varied and colourful;of colour and variety;dazzlingly rich and colourful; 丰富多腔 rich in tunes; 丰功伟绩 valiant record;gigantic [tremendous] contribution;heroic deeds;the tremendous achievements of ...;great service to the country;great meritorious service to ...;the magnificent contributions to ...;magnificent exploits and great feats;high merit and great achievements;great achievements;signal contributions; 丰厚 thick;rich and generous; 丰隆 {穴位} Rich and Prosperous;Fenglong (S 40);丰滦矿 fengluanite; 丰满 plentiful;full and round;well-developed;full-grown;liberality; 丰茂 luxuriant;lush; 丰美 lush; 丰年 bumper harvest year;good year; 丰年虫 fairy shrimp; 丰沛 plentiful; 丰取刻与 take a lot and give away little; 丰饶 rich and fertile; 丰饶之角 Cornucopla; 丰稔 [书] reap a bumper harvest; 丰润 plump and smooth-skinned; 丰赡 [书] rich;plentiful; 丰盛 rich;sumptuous;bumper; 丰实压枝 The trees are heavily laden with fruit,weighing the branches down.; 丰收 bumper harvest;[方] foison; 丰收补歉 make up for a crop failure with a bumper harvest; 丰收节玩偶 harvest doll; 丰收在望 A bumper harvest is anticipated.;A good harvest is in sight.;give promise of a bumper harvest; 丰水量 three month flow; 丰水年 high flow year; 丰水期 wet season; 丰硕 plentiful and substantial;rich; 丰田汽车公司 [日本] Toyota Motor; 丰土沃地 a fertile piece of land; 丰衣足食 have ample [enough] food and clothing;be well-fed and well-clothed;be well provided with food and clothing;have adequate food and clothes;have enough to eat and sufficient to put on;have enough to eat and wear;have plenty to eat and wear;lack neither clothing nor good food;well-clad and well-fed; 丰仪 elegant demeanour; 丰盈 have a full figure;plentiful; 丰腴 have a full figure;full and round;well-developed; 丰渔 big catch; 丰裕 well provided for;in plenty; 丰质子 proton-rich; 丰姿绰约 [婀娜] agreeable manners; 丰足 abundant;plentiful |