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单词 中国神话人物

中国神话人物zhōnɡ ɡuó shén huà rén wùChinese Mythological Characters

八仙 [bā xiān] the Eight Immortals
比干 [bǐ ɡàn] Bi Gan (civil god of wealth)
毕升 [bì shēnɡ] Bi Sheng (patrons of printers)
仓颉 [cānɡ jié] Cang Jie (the inventor of Chinese characters in legend)
嫦娥 [chánɡ é] Chang’e (the Chinese moon goddess)
蚩尤 [chī yóu] Chi You (god of war)
杜康 [dù kānɡ] Du Kang (patron of restaurant keepers and alcohol merchants)
冯道 [fénɡ dào] Feng Dao (patrons of printers)
冯节 [fénɡ jié] Feng Jie (gods of carvers of seals and stone tablets)
伏羲 [fú xī] Fu Xi (god of philosophy; god of fishery and husbandry)
福禄寿三星 [fú lù shòu sān xīnɡ] the three gods of fortune, prosperity and longevity
葛洪 [ɡě hónɡ] Ge Hong (god of dyers)
共工 [ɡònɡ ɡōnɡ] Gong Gong (god of water)
关公 [ɡuān ɡōnɡ] Guan Kung (god of war)
观音 [ɡuān yīn] Guan Yin (goddess of mercy)
后羿 [hòu yì] Houyi (a legendary hero who shot down nine suns)
胡敬德 [hú jìnɡ dé] Hu Jingde (gate gods)
华佗 [huá tuō] Hua Tuo (a famous surgeon)
黄帝 [huánɡ dì] Yellow Emperor
霍大山 [huò dà shān] Huo Dashan (god of mountains)
济公 [jì ɡōnɡ] Jigong (a legendary monk who helped people with a magic fan)
济公活佛 [jì ɡōnɡ huó fó] Jigong (mad healer)
夸父 [kuā fù] Kua Fu (legendary giant)
魁星 [kuí xīnɡ] Kui Xing (god of literature)
雷公 [léi ɡōnɡ] God of Thunder; Thunder God
刘安 [liú ān] Liu An (patron of beancurd makers)
鲁班 [lǔ bān] Lu Pan (father of carpentery)
马良 [mǎ liánɡ] Ma Liang (a famous painter)
毛姑姑 [máo ɡū ɡū] Mao Gugu (patroness of women; goddess of needlework)
蒙恬 [ménɡ tián] Meng Tian (patron of manufacturers of writing brushes)
哪吒 [nɑ zhā] Nezha (a divine warrior in Chinese mythology)
牛郎 [niú lánɡ] Cowherd
女娲 [nǚ wā] Goddess of Sky-patching
盘古 [pán ɡǔ] Pan Gu (lord and creator of the universe)
屏翳 [pínɡ yì] Ping Yi (god of rain)
牵牛 [qiān niú] Qian Niu (Herdboy; god of the grains)
秦叔宝 [qín shū bǎo] Qin Shubao (gate gods)
神农 [shén nónɡ] Patron of Agriculture
寿星 [shòu xīnɡ] Shou Xing (god of longevity)
寿星公 [shòu xīnɡ ɡōnɡ] Shou Xing Gong (god of longevity)
舜 [shùn] Shun (god of agriculture and spring)
送子娘娘 [sònɡ zǐ niánɡ niɑnɡ] Song Zi Niangniang (goddess of childbearing)
孙恩 [sūn ēn] Sun En (Taoist Drug Prince)
孙膑 [sūn bìn] Sun Bin (patron of shoemakers)
唐明皇 [tánɡ mínɡ huánɡ] Tang Ming Huang (patron of actors)
温昶 [wēn chǎnɡ] Wen Chang (gods of carvers of seals and stone tablets)
西施 [xī shī] Xi Shi (a famous beauty)
西王母 [xī wánɡ mǔ] Xi Wang Mu (Queen of the Western Heaven; moon goddess)
阎罗 [yán luó] Yan Luo (god of death; ruler of the underworld)
尧 [yáo] Yao (god of sun)
愚公 [yú ɡōnɡ] the Foolish Old Man (the main character of a legend, who removed the mountains)
禹 [yǔ] Yu (the reputed founder of the Xia Dynasty)
赵公明 [zhào ɡōnɡ mínɡ] Zhao Gongming (god of wealth)
织女 [zhī nǚ] the Weaving Girl
钟馗 [zhōnɡ kuí] Zhong Kui (protector against evil spirits)
祝融 [zhù rónɡ] Zhu Rong (god of fire)





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