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单词 中国


China;zhong guo—a“country with reason”
现在对“~”有一种新的解读,就是“~”不是“中央之国”的意思,“中”字是“讲道理”的意思,“~”的意思是“讲道理的国家”。There is now a new interpretation of zhong guo.Rather than saying it means the “Middle Kingdom”,the new version suggests that zhong means “be reasonable”. So zhong guo means a “country with reason”./~不允许乱。China will tolerate no disturbances./~的事情要按照~的情况来办。China’s affairs should be run in light of China’s specific conditions./~地大物博,人口众多。China is a vast country with a large population and abundant resources./~讲话算数。China means what it says./~是维护世界和平的坚定力量。China is a steadfast force for safeguarding world peace./~应当对于人类有较大的贡献。China ought to make greater contributions to humanity./~正融入世界经济大潮。China’s economy is merging with that of the world./~城Chinatown (亦称唐人街)/~大陆China’s mainland;mainland of China /~飞剪号China Clipper/~话the Chinese language; Chinese/~画traditional Chinese painting/~皇后号Empress of China/~结Chinese knot/~通old China hand,China expert;Sinologist;authority on China/“~威胁论”“China Threat”fallacy/~文化热keen interest in Chinese culture; craze (or fever) for Chinese culture; boom of Chinese culture/~问题专家(汉学家)Sinologist/~小气候China’s domestic environment /~新经济峰会China New Economy Summit/~血统Chinese origin(or descent)/~学Sinology/~邮政China Post/~猿人Peking Man (亦称北京人)/ 《~月球探测工程》Chinese Lunar Exploration Program (CLEP)/~字Chinese characters;the Chinese written language





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更新时间:2025/1/19 15:16:32