实行集体领导和~分工负责制相结合的制度function on the principle of combining collective leadership with individual responsibility based on division of labor/ 以~的名义in one's own name/~财产税personal property tax/~承包经营contractual operation by individuals/~崇拜personality cult ~得失personal gains and losses /~电脑personal computer (PC)/~独裁personal dictatorship/~服役personal service/~股individual share /~会员individual membership /~简历personal particulars; biographical note; cur-riculum vitae (CV)[拉];personal resumé(美)/~利益服从国家和集体利益individual interests should be subordinate to those of the state and the collective/~凌驾于组织之上place individuals above the organization /~迷信personality cult; cult of the individual/~密码personal indentification number(PIN)/~权jus personarum[拉](rights of persons,the law of persons)/~人寿保险单individual life policy/~收入调节税individual income regulating tax/~收入应税申报制度system of declaration of individual incomes for tax payment/~思想always think of oneself first/~所得税personal income tax;income tax from individuals/~卫生personal hygiene/~信用制度individual credit rating system; personal credit rating system/~演唱会solo concert /~野心one’s own wild (or insensate) ambition/~野心家careerist /~意外保险personal accident insurance/~隐私(individual) privacy/~英雄主义individualistic heroism/~应税收入的申报制度system of declaring personal income for tax payment/~账户养老金pension from personal account /~主义egoism;undue emphasis on a person’s own interest;me-first mentality;individualism(哲学)/~助学信贷student loan/~专断arbitrary decisions by the individual(or on one’s own); autocratic ways of personal dignity