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单词 丧魂落魄

丧魂落魄丧魂失魄;丧胆销魂sàng hún luò pò

be driven to distraction; be frightened (/scared) out of one’s life (/senses/wits); be shaken to the core (/morrow); be in panic; panic-striken
❍ 何莽凶凶地走到报话机旁边,报话员早已躲藏在报话机背后的桌子底下浑身发抖,两只丧魂失魄的眼睛,放射着恐惧的死光,但他还是被何莽拖了出来。(吴强《红日》178—179) He Mang raged over to the transmitter. The signaller had long ago taken refuge under the table behind the transmitter and was shaking all over,looking at He Mang with the dead light of terror in his dazed eyes,yet He Mang dragged him out.
❍ 冯永祥刚才叫大太太和朱瑞芳盯着,他不得不离开林宛芝。离开了以后,象是丢掉了什么东西,丧魂失魄地毫无目的地东张张西望望。(周而复《上海的早晨》 Ⅰ —486) Feng Yongxiang had been found by the first wife and Zhu Ruifang staring at him. After leaving her he had gazed all round aimlessly and dejectedly,as if he had lost something.
❍ 那何狗皮就不敢在申家庄待,丧魂失魄的到镇上他父亲那儿,一连躺了好几天,起不来炕。(袁静《新儿女英雄传》 182) Goupi didn’t dare to remain in Shenjia. Shaken to the marrow,he fled to his father’s stronghold in the walled town. For several days he was unable to leave his bed.
❍ 想到那盼望已久的,将使敌人丧魂失魄的大反攻,就想到眼前的侦察任务,王振华心里暗暗发急。(杨佩瑾《剑》219) He was greatly troubled when his thoughts travelled from the long awaited general offensive that would give the enemy the shivers to their present mission.
❍ 从此,游击队里又增添了一个经常使敌人~的爆破小队。(杨佩瑾《剑》187)From that moment on,the guerrilla band had a demolition platoon that struck terror into the hearts of the enemy.


be driven to distraction; be overwhelmed by dread;be shaken to the marrow

丧魂落魄sànɡ hún luò pò

形容精神萎靡、情绪消沉或心神不安的样子。be driven to distraction, have one’s breath taken away





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