丧葬sānɡ zànɡFuneral哀乐 [āi yuè] funeral music 哀怨 [āi yuàn] sorrow; grieve 哀子 [āi zǐ] motherless child 安魂歌 [ān hún ɡē] requiem 安魂弥撒 [ān hún mí sɑ] requiem 安葬 [ān zànɡ] entombment 白寿布 [bái shòu bù] shroud 悲哀 [bēi āi] sorrow; grieve 悲伤 [bēi shānɡ] grief 奔丧 [bēn sānɡ] go and attend a funeral 殡仪馆 [bìn yí ɡuǎn ] funeral perlor/home; mortuary 殡仪员 [bìn yí yuán] funeral director; under-taker 殡葬 [bìn zànɡ] funeral and interment 殡殓 [bìn liàn] encoffin a corpse 参加葬礼 [cān jiā zànɡ lǐ] attend a funeral 藏骨堂 [cánɡ ɡǔ tánɡ] ossuary 藏骸所 [cánɡ hái suǒ] charnel (house) 出丧 [chū sānɡ] funeral procession; cortege 出土物 [chū tǔ wù] relics (from an archeological excavation) 出葬 [chū zànɡ] funeral procession; cortege 啜泣 [chuò qì] weep quietly 打针防腐 [dǎ zhēn fánɡ fǔ] embalm 大殓 [dà liàn] encoffining ceremony 戴孝 [dài xiào] be in mourning 戴重孝 [dài zhònɡ xiào] be in full mourning 悼词 [dào cí] funeral oration 道场 [dào chǎnɡ] Taoist rites 奠酒 [diàn jiǔ] libation 吊辞 [diào cí] oration 吊唁 [diào yàn] express condolence; condole 坟墓 [fén mù] tomb; grave; sepulcher 焚尸炉 [fén shī lú] crematorium; cinerator 佛事 [fó shì] Buddhist rites 扶柩者 [fú jiù zhě] family coffin attendants in procession 服丧 [fú sānɡ] be in mourning 复活 [fù huó] resurrection 讣告 [fù ɡào] obituary 讣闻 [fù wén] obituary; funeral announcement 赙仪 [fù yí] funeral gift 感伤的 [ɡǎn shānɡ de] pathetic; pitiable 公祭 [ɡōnɡ jì] mourn in public 公墓 [ɡōnɡ mù] (public) cemetery 孤子 [ɡū zǐ] fatherless child 古代石墓 [ɡǔ dài shí mù] dolmen 骨罐 [ɡǔ ɡuàn] ossuary (funeral) urn 骨灰 [ɡǔ huī] ashes of the dead 骨灰罐 [ɡǔ huī ɡuàn] (funeral) urn 骨灰盒 [ɡǔ huī hé] cinerary casket 骨灰瓮 [ɡǔ huī wènɡ] (funeral) urn 骨瓮 [ɡǔ wènɡ] ossuary; (funeral) urn 棺材 [ɡuān cái] coffin; casket 棺(材)盖 [ɡuān (cái) ɡài] coffin lid 棺架 [ɡuān jià] bier 棺罩 [ɡuān zhào] pall 国丧 [ɡuó sānɡ] national mourning 国葬 [ɡuó zànɡ] state funeral 裹尸蜡布 [ɡuǒ shī là bù] cerements; graveclothes 海葬 [hǎi zànɡ] sea burial 嚎哭 [háo kū] wail 黑边名片 [hēi biān mínɡ piàn] mourning name card 黑纱 [hēi shā] black crepe; mourning/arm band 花牌 [huā pái] floral board/wreath 花圈 [huā quān] wreath 花圈缎带 [huā quān duàn dài] ribbon 皇陵 [huánɡ línɡ] royal necropolis 火葬 [huǒ zànɡ] cremation 火葬柴堆 [huǒ zànɡ chái duī] pyre 火葬场 [huǒ zànɡ chǎnɡ] crematory 火葬堆 [huǒ zànɡ duī] pyre 极乐世界 [jí lè shì jiè] Pure Land; Paradise; Utopia; Elysian Fields 祭酒 [jì jiǔ] libation 祭品 [jì pǐn] sacrificial objects 祭幛 [jì zhànɡ] funeral cloth expressing condolence 忌辰 [jì chén] anniversary of day of death 继承遗产 [jì chénɡ yí chǎn] inherit a fortune 家奠 [jiā diàn] funeral attended by immediate family 家祭 [jiā jì] funeral attended by immediate family 假哭 [jiǎ kū] force oneself to cry 教葬 [jiào zànɡ] Christian burial 精美石棺 [jīnɡ měi shí ɡuān] sarcophagus 柩车 [jiù chē] hearse
柩衣 [jiù yī] pall 鞠躬 [jū ɡōnɡ] bow 巨灾大难 [jù zāi dà nàn] holocaust 掘墓 [jué mù] exhume 掘墓人 [jué mù rén] grave-digger 军葬礼 [jūn zànɡ lǐ] military honors 开追悼会 [kāi zhuī dào huì] hold a memorial ceremony 叩谢 [kòu xiè] offer hearty thanks 哭泣 [kū qì] weep; cry 泪汪汪的 [lèi wānɡ wānɡ de] moist-eyed 殓房 [liàn fánɡ] funeral parlor/home; mortuary 灵车 [línɡ chē] hearse 灵床 [línɡ chuánɡ] bier; hearse 灵魂 [línɡ hún] soul; spirit; specter; wraith; ghost 灵庙 [línɡ miào] mausoleum 陵(墓) [línɡ (mù)] mausoleum 陵园 [línɡ yuán] cemetery 路祭 [lù jì] roadside mourning 落葬 [luò zànɡ] interment 冥币 [mínɡ bì] false paper money burned as an offering to the dead 冥钞 [mínɡ chāo] paper money [for the dead] 冥器 [mínɡ qì] funeral objects 冥钱 [mínɡ qián] false paper money burned as an offering to the dead 默哀 [mò āi] silence tribute 默哀三分钟 [mò āi sān fēn zhōnɡ] three minutes’ silence 墓碑 [mù bēi] gravestone; tombstone; headstone 墓道 [mù dào] tomb passage 墓地 [mù dì] graveyard; cemetery; burial ground 墓室 [mù shì] coffin chamber 墓穴 [mù xué] plot; coffin pit 墓志 [mù zhì] inscription 墓志铭 [mù zhì mínɡ] epitaph 墓冢 [mù zhǒnɡ] burial mound 陪祭 [péi jì] funeral assistant 陪哭 [péi kū] mourn together 陪葬品 [péi zànɡ pǐn] mortuary objects 披麻戴孝 [pī má dài xiào] put on mourning apparel 祈祷 [qí dǎo] prayer 泣 [qì] sob 迁葬 [qiān zànɡ] reinter 入殓 [rù liàn] lay in the coffin 三鞠躬 [sān jū ɡōnɡ] bow three times 丧棒 [sānɡ bànɡ] mourning staff 丧服 [sānɡ fú] mourning attire 丧家 [sànɡ jiā] bereaved family 丧礼 [sānɡ lǐ] funeral service/rites 丧事 [sānɡ shì] funeral 丧葬费用 [sānɡ zànɡ fèi yònɡ] funeral expenses 丧章 [sānɡ zhānɡ] mourning band 丧钟 [sānɡ zhōnɡ] death knell; funeral bell 扫墓 [sǎo mù] tomb sweeping (rite) 尸台 [shī tái] bier 尸体安放 [shī tǐ ān fànɡ] be laid to rest 石棺 [shí ɡuān] sarcophagus 守灵 [shǒu línɡ] keep vigil beside the bier; deathwatch 守丧 [shǒu sānɡ] strictly observe rites for the dead 寿布 [shòu bù] shroud 寿衣 [shòu yī] shroud; graveclothes 水葬 [shuǐ zànɡ] water burial 死而复生 [sǐ ér fù shēnɡ] resurrection 死亡证明书 [sǐ wánɡ zhènɡ mínɡ shū] death certificate 死者家属 [sǐ zhě jiā shǔ] the bereaved 颂辞 [sònɡ cí] eulogy 送丧 [sònɡ sānɡ] attend a funeral 送葬 [sònɡ zànɡ] attend a funeral 送殡车 [sònɡ bìn chē] mourning coach 送殡者 [sònɡ bìn zhě] mourner 诵经 [sònɡ jīnɡ] chant sutras 素烛 [sù zhú] corpse/funerary candle 抬棺者 [tái ɡuān zhě] pall bearer 天堂 [tiān tánɡ] Pure Land; Paradise; Utopia; Elysian Fields 天葬 [tiān zànɡ] celestial burial 停尸室 [tínɡ shī shì] charnel (house) 停尸所 [tínɡ shī suǒ] morgue 痛哭 [tònɡ kū] lament 挽歌 [wǎn ɡē] dirge; elegy 挽联 [wǎn lián] funeral scroll; elegiac couplet 挽幛 [wǎn zhànɡ] elegiac scroll 万人冢 [wàn rén zhǒnɡ] mass burial ground 亡父 [wánɡ fù] my late father 亡母 [wánɡ mǔ] my late mother 未亡人 [wèi wánɡ rén] widow 慰藉 [wèi jí] consolation 锡箔 [xī bó] tinfoil 下半旗 [xià bàn qí] hang a flag at half-mast 献祭 [xiàn jì] sacrifice 香 [xiānɡ] incense; joss stick 箱型石墓 [xiānɡ xínɡ shí mù] cist 孝子 [xiào zǐ] filial son 唁电 [yàn diàn] message of condolence 验尸 [yàn shī] autopsy; postmortem examination 验尸官 [yàn shī ɡuān] coroner 遗骨 [yí ɡǔ] the remains 遗骨安置所 [yí ɡǔ ān zhì suǒ] columbarium 遗骸 [yí hái] the remains 遗体 [yí tǐ] corpse 遗像 [yí xiànɡ] portrait of the deceased 遗言 [yí yán] will; testament 遗嘱 [yí zhǔ] will; testament 遗嘱附录 [yí zhǔ fù lù] codicil 遗族 [yí zú] bereaved family 仪杖队 [yí zhànɡ duì] funeral escort/cortege 义冢 [yì zhǒnɡ] public burial ground 葬礼 [zànɡ lǐ] funeral 葬礼曲 [zànɡ lǐ qǔ] funeral/death march 瞻仰遗容 [zhān yǎnɡ yí rónɡ] final respects 瞻仰遗容时间 [zhān yǎnɡ yí rónɡ shí jiān] hours for paying respects 职业哭丧者 [zhí yè kū sànɡ zhě] professional/hired mourners 纸钱 [zhǐ qián] paper made to resemble money and burned as an offering to the dead 纸人 [zhǐ rén] paper mannikin 纸屋 [zhǐ wū] paper house (for the dead) 纸衣 [zhǐ yī] paper clothes (for the dead) 纸幡 [zhǐ fān] paper banner 志哀 [zhì āi] mourn; express one’s mourning for the dead 致敬 [zhì jìnɡ] pay homage; pay one’s respects 治丧 [zhì sānɡ] arrange funeral rites; make funeral arrangements 治丧委员会 [zhì sānɡ wěi yuán huì] funeral committee 主祭 [zhǔ jì] funeral officiant 追悼会 [zhuī dào huì] memorial service 追赠 [zhuī zènɡ] posthumous award 宗谱 [zōnɡ pǔ] family history/tree 坐夜守尸 [zuò yè shǒu shī] [Irish] wake |