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单词 gas
gas/ɡæs/ n [-es / ɪz/; AmE -ss];v [-ss-]

n (1)气体((one of a) variety of substances like aircontaining of atoms and molecules that move freely in space and will fill in all the space available to them)[CU]:Oxygen/Hydrogen is a~. 氧/氢是一种气体。a mixture of~es 一种混合气体;a~balloon 气球;

(2) 1)可燃气(any inflammable substance of this type which is used for heatingcooking or lighting)[U]:light the~点上煤气;turn the~on/off 打开/关掉煤气;cook by~用煤气做饭;butane/coal/natural~丁烷/煤/天然气;put the kettle on the~把水壶放在煤气炉上;cook on a low/medium/high~在微/中/大火煤气炉上做饭;a~oven/metre/furnace/tank煤气灶/表/炉/罐;a~ring/lighter/board/bracket/cylinder/tap(有环形喷火孔的)煤气炉/煤气打火机/煤气管理委员会/墙上伸出的有喷嘴的煤气管/高压气罐/控制煤气流量的丝锥;~fire煤气取暖炉; 2)麻醉气(special gas usedesp in surgery or by dentists to put patients to sleep when drilling or removing teeth)[U]:be given~吸了麻醉气;have~or an injection 使用麻醉气或者注射麻醉剂; 3)毒气(poisonous or irritating gas used in war)[U]:attack with~用毒气攻击;tear~催泪弹;a~attack/chamber/bomb毒气攻击/室/弹;a~mask防毒面具;

(3)汽油(petrol)[U](AmE)(infml):~station 加油站;〖同〗gasoline,fuel;

(4)空谈,吹牛(unimportantempty talk;boasting)[U](fig,derog)(尤BrE):It's all~and hot air.这些全是空话。

(5)有趣的事(wildly funny or pleasant thing)[C,通常sing](sl)(尤AmE):The latest record/film/idea/party was a real~.这个最新的记录/这个最新的电影/这个最新的想法/最近的这次聚会真是有趣。

→′gassy adj 像气体的,气状的,充满气体的;空谈的,吹牛的;′gaseous adj 含气体的;′gassiness n 充满气体的状态;′gasbag n 多嘴的人,废话连篇的人;话痨;′gas-fitter n 安装煤气设施的工人;′gas-fitting n 煤气装置;′gasholder n 贮气容器;gas-light n 煤气灯;gasman n 煤气公司查表人;′gas-pipe n 煤气管道;′gas-fired adj 用煤气作燃料的;′gas-lit adj 用燃烧煤气的光照明的;

v (1)用毒气杀伤(poison or kill (a person or an animal) with gas)[T+n]~oneself 用毒气自杀;be~sed during the World War Ⅰ在第一次世界大战期间中了毒气;

(2)空谈;吹牛(talk for a long time without saying anything of importance)[II+prep (about)](infml)(derog)(尤BrE):He was~sing on about how clever she was.他在喋喋不休地谈她有多聪明。~on the phone for hours 在电话里空谈了几个小时;

→′gasify v(使)变成气体,气化





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