释义 |
两面三刀liǎng miàn sān dāocarry fire in one hand and water in the other; double-dealing; double-cross;double-faced; play the double-game; two-faced ❍ 你这~的东西,我不希罕! (《红楼梦》788) Sneaky double crosser! I don’t want this trash of yours. ❍ 我告诉奶奶,一辈子不见他才好吗! “嘴甜心苦,~”,……(《红楼梦》853) Take my word for it,it will be best for you never to meet her all your life. She’ll give you sweet talk when there’s hatred in her heart,she’s so double faced and tricky…/这种“非驴非马”,“~”的人,在我们的队伍中并不是完全没有的。(刘少奇《论共产党员的修养》55) Such double-faced creatures,who are neither fish nor fowl,are not altogether unknown in our ranks. ❍ 这些野心家~,表面是人,暗中是鬼,当面说人话,背后说鬼话。These careerists indulge in double dealing. They appear to be men but are demons at heart. They speak human language to your face,but talk devil’s language behind your back. ❍ 有这么一种典型,开会的时候发言很积极,讲话怪漂亮,可是,这种人又常常会上捧下压,~……(夏衍《考验》47) There is one type which is always ready with opinions at meetings and full of fine words. But often enough it’s just such people who toady to their superiors and do down to the rank and file—properly two-faced. 两面三刀liang mian san daodouble-dealing 两面三刀double-dealing; duplicity; play a double game;double-faced and tricky 两面三刀liǎnɡ miàn sān dāo比喻当面一套,背后一套,阴险狡诈,居心不良。double-dealing, be two-faced, be all things to all men, act a double part |