empty-handed ❍ 刚到淮南的时候,我们~,什么也没有。(吴运铎《把一切献给党》95) We had come to Huainan,empty-handed. ❍ 我给朱半天劳苦了一辈子,落得~,还欠他一屁股的债,叫我拿什么去还?(周而复《上海的早晨》Ⅰ—21)Half my life I’ve slaved for Half-the-Sky Zhu. Now I am left empty-handed,in debt to him up to my ears.What have we got to pay him back with?
两手空空liǎnɡ shǒu kōnɡ kōnɡ
手里什么也没有。比喻手上一点钱也没有。nothing is gained, hold the bag, hold the sack, fall between two stools, empty-handed