释义 |
东(東)dōnɡ❶ (东方;太阳出来的一边) east:城 ~ east of the city;~ 城 the eastern part of the city;~ 郊 eastern suburbs; 中国 ~ 临太平洋。 China faces the Pacific on the east. ❷ (主人) master;owner:房 ~ landlord; 股 ~ shareholder;stockholder ❸ (东道) host:做 ~ stand treat [host];play the host ❹ (姓氏) a surname:~ 良会 Dong Lianghui ◆东半球 {地理} the Eastern Hemisphere; 东北 northeast; 东北虎 Manchurian tiger; 东北抗日联军 the Anti-Japanese Amalgamated Army of the Northeast; 东奔西跑 run around here and there;bustle about;rush about;rush around; 东边 the east side; 东[冬]不拉 dongbula — a Kazakh stringed instrument; 东窗事发 One's criminal conspiracy was unmasked.;be exposed;come to the light;disclosure of a crime or plot;The design has taken air.;The story is out.; 东床 son-in-law; 东倒西歪 reel right and left;dilapidated;fall over like ninepins;lying on all sides;rickety;tottering;tumbling;walk unsteadily;waver east and west; 东道 one who treats sb. to a meal;host for party; 东渡 take a sea-voyage eastward; 东方 (东) east;(指亚洲) the East;the Orient;(指东欧和独联体等国) the East;(姓氏) a surname;《东方时空》 Eastern Times;Orient Time and Space; 东非 East Africa; 东非人 Australopithecus boisei;Zinjanthropusboisei; 东风 (指春风) east wind;east;easterly;(革命的力量或气势) driving force of revolution;the East Wind; 东宫 (太子所居之宫) Eastern Palace;(姓氏) a surname; 东郭先生 Master Dongguo,a naive person who gets into trouble through being softhearted to evil people; 东海 the Donghai Sea;the East China Sea; 东汉 the Eastern Han Dynasty (25-220 A.D.); 东家 master;boss; 东晋 the Eastern Jin Dynasty (317-420 A.D.); 东京 Tokyo; 东京湾 Gulf of Tonkin;Tokyo Bay; 东经 {地理} east longitude; 东拉西扯 drag in all sorts of irrelevant matters;do patch work in writing;pull about;pull and haul;ramble;ramble in talk;talk aimlessly;talk at random;talk incoherently;yakety-yak; 东鳞西爪 a dragon scale from the east and a dragon claw from the west — bits and pieces;odds and ends;fragments of a historical record,a paleontological specimen,an object of art,etc. of value,culled from many parts of the country (not intact nor complete as a collection); 东盟 ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations); 东南 (东南方向) southeast;(中国东南沿海地区) southeast China;the Southeast; 东南亚国家联盟 (简称“东盟”) Association of South East Asia Nations (ASEAN); 东南西北 all directions;north,south,east and west; 东南亚 Southeast Asia; 东欧 Eastern Europe; 东跑西颠 run about busily; 东拼西凑 put all sorts of things [people] together;form a patchwork quit;have to pinch and scrape and calculate in every way;scrape [knock] together; 东沙群岛 Dongsha Islands; 东山再起 stage a comeback;bob up like a cork;make a comeback;return to a previous stage;return to power;resume one's former position;regain political power after one has lost it;start from scratch all over again; 东施效颦 ugly woman trying to imitate famous beauty knitting her brows — blindly copying others and making oneself look foolish;crude imitation;imitate awkwardly;imitate sb. in certain particulars;be unconscious of one's own defects;take a leaf out of another's book; 东涂西抹 draw paint everywhere; 东魏 the Eastern Wei Dynasty (534 - 550 A.D.),one of the Northern Dynasties; 东西 east and west;from east to west; 东...西...here... there; 东西南北 the four corners of the world; 东西 thing;creature; 东乡族 the Dongxiang nationality,living in Gansu Province; 东亚 East Asia; 东亚运动会 the East Asian Games; 东洋 (指日本) Japan; 东瀛 (日本) Japan; 东张西望 look [glance] this way and that;gaze [peer] around;gaze right and left;look all around;look east and west;peer in all directions; 东正教 the Orthodox Eastern Church; 东周 the Eastern Zhou Dynasty(770-256 B.C.) |