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❶ (人的一辈子) lifetime; life: 聪明一 ~, 糊涂一时 clever all one's life but stupid this once; smart as a rule, but this time a fool; 今生今 ~ this present life; 一生一 ~ one's whole life; all one's life
❷ (一代又一代) generations: ~ 谊 friendship spanning many generations; 四 ~ 同堂。 Four generations live under one roof.
❸ (时代) age; era: 当今之 ~ at present; nowadays; 近 ~ modern times; 盛 ~ flourishing age; heyday
❹ (世界) world: 公诸于 ~ make known to the world; 举 ~ 闻名 well known all over the world; world-famous
❺ {地质} (地质年代的分期) epoch: 古新 ~ the Palaeocene Epoch
❻ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 硕 Shi Shuo
◆世仇 family feud; bitter enemy (in a family feud);
世传 be handed down through generations;
世代 for generations; from generation to generation; generation after generation; an epoch or era; {生} generation;
世代相传 run in the family [blood]; pass on from generation to generation;
世道 the manners and morals of the time;
世道人情 the way of the world; manners and morals of the time;
世道人心 the way of the world and the heart of human being;
世风 [书] general mood of society; common practice of society;
世故 the ways of the world; the art of dealing with people;
世故 worldly-wise;
世纪 century;
世家 aristocratic family; old and well-known family; a family holding high official positions for generations;
世间 (the) world; (the) earth; in society;
世交 friendship spanning two or more generations; old family friends;
世界 world; globe; earth;
世界艾滋病日 the World Aids Day; 世界杯赛 World Cup Competition; 世界格局 world structure; 世界环境日 World Environment Day; 世界粮食口 World Food Day; 世界旅游日 World Tourism Day; 世界人口日 World Population Day; 世界无烟(草)日 the World No Tobacco Day; 世界新秩序 the new world order; 世界语 Esperanto;
世界知识产权组织 World Intellectual Property Organization; 世局 world situation;
世面 various aspects of society; society; world; life;
世人 common people;
世上 in the world; on earth;
世上无难事, 只怕有心人 Nothing in the world is difficult for one who sets his mind to it.; All difficulties on earth can be overcome if men but give their minds to it.; It is dogged that does it.; Nothing is impossible to a willing mind.;
世事 affairs of human life;
世事沧桑 The worldly affair is like the sea and mulberry plantation.; The world is changing all the time.; The affairs of human life are ever changing.;
世事洞明皆学问 A grasp of mundane affairs is genuine knowledge.;
世世代代 age after age; for generations (to come); from generation to generation; generation after generation;
世俗 common customs;
世态 the ways of the world;
世态炎凉 the fickleness of the world; fickleness of human friendships; inconstancy of human relationships; The feelings of people alter.; Warmth or coldness is the way of the world — people are friendly or unfriendly, depending on whether one is successful or not.;
世外桃源 a place for taking refuge; a fictitious land of peace; a heaven of peace and happiness; a lotus land; a retreat away from the turmoil of the world;
世袭 inherit; hereditary;
世系 bloodline; stock; pedigree; genealogy;
世兄 [旧] man who is a friend of the family or clan; son of one's friend or teacher;
世医 physicians from a family for generations;
世族 an aristocratic family politically influential for generations





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