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单词 future
future/′fju:t⨜ ǝ(r)/ n adj [无comp

n (1) 将(未)来 (indefinite period of time yet to be;time that is to come) [U]:in the near/distant~在不远的/遥远的将来;at sometime in the~在将来某个时候;save money/have plans for the~为将来存钱/订计划;doctors of the~未来的医生;〖同〗futurity,tomorrow;〖反〗 past; 2) 前景(途) (future condition;esp of success or failure) [C]:the state's~这个国家的前途;have a very happy/great/brilliant/good~有一个很幸福/远大的/光明的/美好的未来;have not got much of a~没有多少成功的机会;The~of the project/the company is in doubt. 该项目/公司的前途仍不确定。Fortune-tellers claim to be able to tell the~. 算命人声称能够占卜吉凶。have a great~as a musician作为音乐家大有前途;Does the job have any~? 干这份工作有前途吗? 〖同〗outlook,prospect,opportunity,anticipation,expectation,hope;

(2) 将来成功或幸福的可能性 (chance of success or advancement) [U] [N(in)] (infml) (常用于疑问句,否定句中):There's no~in the job/in trying to comfort her. 做这份工作/试图安慰她是不会成功的。

(3) (语法上)将来时态 ((grammar)verb form showing actiontimethat is still to becomehappen) [Uthe~]:“Shall go” is the~of “go.” shall go是go的将来时态。

in future 以(今)后:Be more careful in~. 今后要更加小心。

adj (1) 未来的;将要发生的(that is to be or come here after) [作attrib]:sb's~husband/job/prospects/plans某人未来的丈夫/工作/前途/计划;~events/date/generations将要发生的事件/未来的日期/未来的几代人;a~life来世;〖反〗 past,former,previous;

(2) (语法上)表示将来行动或状态的动词形式的 (designing a tense or other verb formation that refers to events or states in time to come):the~tense/perfect将来时/将来完成时;

→ ′futureless adj 无前途的;前途渺茫的;′futurism n 未来派(主义);′futurist n 未来派艺术家;未来主义者;′futurity n 未(将)来





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