单词 | further |
释义 | further/′fɜ:ð ǝ(r), AmE ′fɜ:r-/ adj & adv;vt [-ing/rɪ ŋ/] adj (1) 较(更)远的(more distant in space,direction or time):on the~side of the street/the hill 街道/小山的较远的一侧;live in the~house of those two住在两所房子中较远的一处;You may keep the book a~week. 这本书你还可以再借一周。〖同〗farther;〖反〗nearer,closer; (2) 附加(更多)的 (additional;more):~notice/volumes/taxation 另行通知/后续各卷/附加税;make~remark/valuable suggestions 作进一步的说明/提出更多有价值的建议;have nothing~to tell sb 没有更多的话要告诉某人;We need a~five hundred pounds. 我们还需要500英镑。a~increase of 7 percent 又增加7%;〖同〗additional,more; adv (1) 更远地 (at or to a great distance or degree):It's not easy to walk any~. 再往前走就不容易了。swim/go~than one intended比自己打算的游/走得远;London is~from Glasgow than (it is from) Cardiff. 伦敦距格拉斯哥比加迪夫更远。live a block~down the street住在这条街的下一个街区;think~back into one's past 再往更早的时候想一想;〖同〗farther;〖反〗nearer,closer; (2) 此(另)外;还有 (more;in addition):He said that the key was lost and,~,there was no hope of its being found. 他说钥匙丢了,而且没有希望找到了。F~,his article on Shelley is a serious analysis. 另外,他的文章对雪莱作了认真的分析。 (3) (程度,限度上)进一步 (to a greater extent):enquire~into the matter进一步调查这件事;go into/explore/discuss/explain the matter~进一步调查/探索/讨论/解释这个问题;cut down~on expenses进一步削减开支;He sank~into debt. 他陷入更深的债务之中。Let me say~that I couldn't agree more. 让我再说一句,我完全同意。I can offer you £150 for the new bike,but I can't go any~than that. 这辆新自行车我可以付给你150英镑,但不能再多了。 further to 对……作下述补充:F~to your enquiry of the 16th,I am happy to enclose a new brochure. 就你方16日的询价,我很高兴地附上一份新的产品介绍。 vt 增(促,推)进 (help (sth) to proceed or go forward quickly) [T+n]:~sb's interests/sb's plans增加某人的兴趣/促进某人计划的进展;~the science促进科学的发展;~the cause of peace促进和平事业;~the understanding of the Earth加深人们对地球的了解; →′furtherance n (兴趣,事业的)提高,促进;′furthermore adv 此外,还有;′further-most adj远的;′furthest adj (距离,时间上)最远的;adv (距离,时间上)最远地;最大程(限)度地 |
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