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单词 专心致志

专心致志zhuān xīn zhì zhì

apply one’s mind to;be intent on; bend one's mind to (/on/upon); be wholeheartedly devoted to; be wholly absorbed in;bone up on; concentrate on; devote oneself to sth whole-heartedly and exclusively; dig (/delve) into(/in); give all one’s mind to; give one’s undivided attention to; put one’s heart and soul into; set one’s heart on (/upon); with single-hearted devotion
❍ 这也可以告诉我们: 有些青年人还没有进到全面,他喜欢~地搞一面,我们也不要去打消他的兴趣;……(周恩来《学习毛泽东》) This shows us that when a young person concentrates on one particular aspect of a thing before grasping it in its entirety,we must not discourage him.
❍ 今夫奕之为数,小数也,不~,则不得也。(《孟子·告子上》) Now chess playing is but a small art,but without his whole mind being given,and his will bent to it,a man cannot succeed at it.
❍ 什么叫做 “白” 呢?一个人只要在社会主义土壤上~为社会主义服务,虽然政治上学习得少,不能算“白”。(周恩来《在文艺工作座谈会和故事片创作会议上的讲话》) What is “white?”Anyone who works heart and soul for socialism on socialist soil but who doesn’t spend much time studying politics should not be called “white.”

专心致志zhuān xīn zhì zhì

形容一心一意,聚精会神。wholly absorbed, give all one’s mind to, be absorbed in, put one’s heart into, address oneself to





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