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单词 不违农时

不违农时bù wéi nóng shí

do farm work in the right season (/on time); not let the farm season slip by;not miss the farming season; observe agricultural seasons
❍ ~,减少误工,也十分重要。现在一面要为战争动员民力,一面又要尽可能地~,应当研究调节的办法。(《毛泽东选集》1069) It is also very important to do farm work in the right season and reduce loss of working time. At present we must mobilize civilian manpower to support the war; on the other hand,we must so far as possible not miss any season for farming; hence we should study methods of adjustments.
❍ ~,谷不可胜食也。(《孟子·梁惠王上》) If the seasons of husbandry be not interfered with,the grain will be more than can be eaten.


do not miss farming season;doing farm work in the right season

不违农时bù wéi nónɡ shí

不违背农作物的耕种、管理、收获的时机。do farm work in the right season, not miss the farming season, not let the farm seasom slip by





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