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单词 不进则退

不进则退bù jìn zé tuì

one either goes forward or he will be left behind; it is a case of either moving forward or going backwards; one either forges ahead or gradually falls behind; move forward,or you’ll fall behind
❍ 她经常告诉学生们~的道理,勉励他们天天向上。She very often tells her students the truth that one either forges ahead or gradually falls behind,and encourages them to make progress every day.


Not to forge ahead is to slip backward;Not to advance is to retreat
学习如逆水行舟,~。Learning is like rowing a boat against the stream.If one fails to make progress(or move ahead),he will fall behind.

不进则退bù jìn zé tuì

不前进就要后退。either advancement or drawing back, more forward or you’ll fall behind





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更新时间:2024/11/15 15:50:24