释义 |
不识大体bù shí dà tǐfail to see the larger issues;ignore the general interest; petty-minded;not understand the highest principles of propriety ❍ 在我们党内某些同志中还存在着 “小气”,计较小事,~等毛病。(刘少奇《论共产党员的修养》54) Pettiness,fussing over trifles and ignoring the general interest are faults still prevallent among some Party members. ❍ 在一个四亿五千万人的中国里面,进行历史上空前的大革命,如果领导者是一个狭隘的小团体是不行的,党内仅有一些委琐~、没有远见、没有能力的领袖和干部也是不行的。(《毛泽东选集》255) In China,with a population of 450million,it is impossible to carry through our great revolution,which is unprecedented in history,if the leadership consists of a small,narrow group and if the Party leaders and cadres are petty-minded,short-sighted and incompetent. 不识大体bù shí dà tǐ大体:大的道理。不懂得事物的主要道理。ignore the general interest, fail to see the larger issues, petty-minded |