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单词 不经一事,不长一智

不经一事,不长一智bù jīng yī shì,bù zhǎng yī zhì

a fall in the pit is a gain in your wit; we learn from experience; without coming through the matter you can’t have a gain in your wit about it; without experiencing a thing one does not gain a knowledge of it; you cannot gain knowledge without practice;wisdom comes from experience
❍ ~。放心,不会再有黄庄堤坡的事儿发生。(冯志《敌后武工队》331) A fall in the pit is a gain in your wit. Don’t worry. There won’t be a repeat of that incident.
❍ 他娘笑道: “小蹄子,你走罢!俗话说: ‘~’。我如今知道了,你又该来支问着我了!” (《红楼梦》762) “Go on,you little bitch,” chuckled her mother. “As the proverb says: ‘We learn from experience.’I understand now,so don’t keep on at me.”/人常说:~。不当兵,谁知打仗的滋味;……(冯志《敌后武工队》207) It’s often said that without experiencing a thing,you can’t gain knowledge;without being soldiers we would not know what it’s like.

不经一事,不长一智bu jing yi shi,bu zhang yi zhi

wisdom stems from experience

不经一事,不长一智bù jīnɡ yī shì,bù zhǎnɡ yī zhì

不经历事情,就不能增长有关此事的知识。wisdom comes from experience, you can’t gain knowledge without practice, a fall in the pit is a gain in your wit





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