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单词 不管三七二十一

不管三七二十一bù guǎn sān qī èr shí yī

at all events; at any cost; be heedless of any objections;cast all caution to the winds; come what may; for good or ill; go headstrong; no matter what happens;recklessly; regardless (/in disregard of) of all consequences
❍ 朱暮堂~,肯定地说: “就是这样吧……”(周而复《上海的早晨》 Ⅰ —38) Heedless of any objections he might have,Zhu Mutang said firmly:“That’s a deal,then…”/“~,我是要离的。”菊咬金堂客又哭着说。(周立波《山乡巨变》179)“Either way I want a divorce.”Gold-Biter’s wife started crying again.
❍ ~,前面就是胜利,是沟也跳,是崖也跳。(杜鹏程《保卫延安》70) Victory was in sight,and they let nothing stop them. They jumped ravines,they slid down cliffs.
❍ 我~,走上去三把两把就把标语扯了个粉碎!(黎汝清《海岛女民兵》62) I went up and tore the slogans without batting an eyelid.
❍ 比方你吧,要为西藏人民报仇,这思想是对头的,可~非去不可,那就缺乏组织纪律性了。(金敬迈《欧阳海之歌》128) Take you,for instance. You want to revenge the Tibetan people.That’s a good thought to have. But if you insist on going,regardless,then you’re a bit short on orga nization and discipline.
❍ 玉宝气得浑身发抖,~,他上去一把抓住万瞎子担着的担子,大喊一声: “不准担走!”(《高玉宝》32) Trembling with rage,Yubao raced over and made a grab at the carrying pole on Wan’s shoulder regardless of the consequences. “You shan’t have that! ”he shouted.

不管三七二十一bu guan san qi er shi yi

cast all caution to the winds

不管三七二十一bùɡuǎn sán qī èr shí yī

不顾一切或不问是非情况。recklessly, casting all caution to the winds, regardless of the consequences





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