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单词 function
function/′fʌ ŋk⨜n/ n & v

n (1) 功(官,机)能;作用 (natural or special dutyactivitypurpose(of sb/sth)) [C]:fulfil a useful/social~起到有益的/社会作用;the~of the kidneys/the brake/the committee 肾脏的功能/闸的作用/委员会的作用;the~of a doctor/the chairman医生/主席的职能;His~is to welcome the guests at the door. 他的职责就是在门口欢迎客人。〖同〗role;

(2) 盛大的集(宴)会;典礼,庆典(large social occasionofficial ceremony) [C]:attend numerous/official/important~s 出席许多/官方/重要的庆典;He had been invited to a~at the college. 他被邀请参加一个大学的集会。

(2) (数学的)函数 ((in mathematics)value which varies with another) [C] [N(of)]:X is a~of Y. X为Y的函数。

(4) 计算机的基本功能 (any of the basic operations of a computer) [C]:What~s can the program perform? 这个程序有哪些功能?~key (计算机)功能键;

vi (1) 运转;起作用 (operate;work) [I]:The refrigerator isn't~ing satisfactorily. 这台冰箱制冷效果并不令人满意。The battery doesn't~any longer. 电池没电了。

(2) 起……作用 (have or perform a function;serve) [I+prep(as)]:This armchair also~s as a daybed. 这把扶手椅还可用作床。In earlier English the present tense often~ed as a future. 在早期的英语中现在时经常起将来时的作用。

→′functional adj (多)功能的;实(有)用的;工作的,能运转的;′functionally adv 功能地;能运转地;′functionalism n 功能主义;′functionalist n 功能主义者 adj





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