释义 |
不稂不莠不郎不秀bù láng bù yǒua good-for-nothing; a ne’er-do-well; neither fish,flesh nor fowl; useless;weeds or tares;worthless ❍ 不然,~的,反倒耽误了人家的女孩子,岂不可惜? (《红楼梦》1099) Otherwise,if he turned out a ne’er-do-well and spoilt some girl’s life,that would be deplor able. ❍ 既方既阜,既坚既好,~。(《诗经·小雅·大田》)Its ears,and the fruit lie soft in its sheath;|It hardens and is of good quality; |There is no wolf's-tail grass,nor darnel. ❍ 人生在世上,难得的是这碗现成饭,只管‘稂不粮莠不莠’的到几时?(《儒林外史》30)…and a bad job is better than none. How long can you go on like this—neither fish,flesh nor fowl? 不稂不莠bù lánɡ bù yǒu稂:狼尾草;莠:狗尾草。没有野草。比喻不成材、没出息。useless, worthless, good for nothing |