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单词 不知所终

不知所终bù zhī suǒ zhōng

disappear; have never been heard of since; not know what has become of sb
❍ 一个人的生养教育,父母仅去的是多少物力和气力呢,而青年男女,每每~,谁也不加注意。(鲁迅《准风月谈》101) Parents expend endless material and energy to bring up a single child,yet boys and girls often disappear without arousing any comment.
❍ 第二十九团随即自由行动,跑向宜章家乡,结果一部在东昌被土匪胡凤章消灭,一部散在郴宜各地,~,当日收集的不过百人。(《毛泽东选集》60) Thereupon,acting on its own,the 29th Regiment hurried homeward to Yizhang with the result that one section was annihilated at Luo chang by Hu Fengzhang’s bandits,another scattered in the Chenzhou Yizhang area and has never been heard of since,and no more than a hundred men were mustered again that day.
❍ 台阁之想,由此谈焉。入山~。(《聊斋志异·续黄梁》527) From that day he thought no more of becoming a Secretary of State,but retired into the hills,and I know not what became of him after that.





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