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单词 不知好歹

不知好歹不识好歹bù zhī hǎo dǎi

bite the hand that feeds one; cannot tell good from bad; have no sense of fitness; not appreciate a favour (/what is good); not know chalk from cheese; not know good from bad; not know on which side one’s bread is buttered; unable to tell what’s good or bad for one;ungrateful
❍ 不识好歹的邻居小孩们想摸进屋去吗? 损坏了老韩的东西得了吗? (柳青《创业史》477) What if neighbours’mischievous children got in and damaged Han’s things?/他不知道好歹,姐夫不必计较他。(《儒林外史》 320) He doesn’t know any better. Brother-in law,don’t let what he says annoy you.
❍ 你说呀: 当初有那么一个~的秦某人,爱办实业。(老舍《茶馆》72) Tell them,once upon a time there was a foolish man called Qin who was mad on industrialization.
❍ 自从蟠儿娶了这个~的媳妇, 成日家咕咕唧唧, 如今闹的也不成个人家了。(《红楼梦》1164) Since Pan married that senseless wife of his they bicker all day long,not like a proper family at all.

不知好歹bù zhī hǎo dǎi

不知道好坏。not know what’s good for one, for good or for evil, not know chalk from cheese, not know good from bad, have no sense of fitness, ungrateful





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