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单词 不知天高地厚

不知天高地厚bù zhī tiān gāo dì hòu

not know the immensity of heaven and earth—have an exaggerated opinion of one’s abilities; fear nothing in heaven or on earth; not understand things; throw all discretion to the winds
❍ 不知天有多高,地有多厚,成日家调三窝四,干出这些没脸面、没王法、败家破业的营生。(《红楼梦》888) You fear nothing in heaven or on earth,playing such dirty tricks all the time and doing such shameless,lawless things to ruin our family.
❍ 那是我小时候儿不知天多高地多厚信口胡说的,如今再不敢说了。(《红楼梦》224) That was just wild talk when I was too young to know any better. I don’t say such things nowadays./“不怕,有我呢!”小东西~卷起袖子,就要动手。(陶承《我的一家》69)“Leave it to me,”he would reply,rolling up his sleeves. The world,with all its problems and difficulties,was out of his ken.
❍ 武工队走了,他说是让他打走的。从此,他就~,经常带领夜袭队出来活动,花样也日渐增多。(冯志《敌后武工队》208)He claimed that he had forced the armed work team to withdraw,and from that time threw all discretion to the winds. He sauntered forth with the squad in more and different types of operation every day.

不知天高地厚bù zhī tián ɡāo dì hòu

不知道事情的复杂程度。形容狂妄无知。have an exaggerated opinion of one’s ability, throw all discretion to the winds, not understand things





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