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单词 不知不觉

不知不觉bù zhī bù jué

before one knows (/realizes) it; imperceptibly;inadvertently;insensibly;stealingly; unaware (s); unconsciously;unknow ingly; unwittingly; without one being aware of;without noticing; without realizing (/knowing) what one is doing
❍ 渭河平原在庄稼人~中,由一片翠绿变成深蓝的大海。(柳青《创业史》322) Before anyone knew it the sea of crops on the Wei River Plain changed from kingfisher green to a deep blue.
❍ ~间,京师的景况日见其繁盛了。(鲁迅《故事新编·理水》44) Imperceptibly from day to day the capital took on a more prosperous look.
❍ 雨早就停了,郑克昌谈得太兴奋,~就过去半夜。(罗广斌、杨益言《红岩》85) The rain had long since stopped but they were so engrossed in conversation that they did not notice how time had slipped by.
❍ 这样在恐惧与希望的交织线下,他们对于黄道士的信口开河,就~发生了多少信仰。(《茅盾文集》Ⅶ—350) Yet hope lurked behind their fear. And so,in spite of themselves,they couldn’t help having a certain amount of confidence in Huang the Priest’s rambling blether.
❍ 光阴真过得快,~的就是端阳。(李六如《六十年的变迁》 Ⅰ—79) Time paased quickly and the Dragon Boat Festival approached again without anyone being aware of it.
❍ ~他们已经走到了景山后面。高耸的景山,孤独而稳健地仿佛驼峰般耸立在灰黯的天空中。(杨沫《青春之歌》421) Without knowing it,they had reached the back of Coal Hill which looked like a camel’s hump against the murky sky,solitary and serene.
❍ 那时弟吓了一跳,通身冷汗,醒转来,拿笔在手,~写了出来。(《儒林外史》28) I woke up,tremb ling,bathed in icy sweat,and taking the pen into my hand began to write without knowing what I was doing.

不知不觉bù zhī bù jué

没有意识到,没有觉察到。unconsciously, unwittingly imperceptibly, insensibly





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