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单词 不省人事

不省人事不醒人事bù xǐng rén shì

be in a coma;be unconscious (/comatose/comatous/delirious); fall into a coma (/stupor); go off in a faint; be in a dead faint; be in a state of insensibility(/suspended animation); be in an unconscious state; lose consciousness; lose one’s senses; be in narcotism; be senseless (/stupefacient)
❍ 正午,赶到汉口协和医院,经过急救,梅生仍旧~。(陶承《我的一家》38) Having crossed the Han River we reached the Hankou Xiehe Hospital at noon. Meisheng was given emergency treatment. He was unconscious.
❍ 玉宝头上、手上、脚上都被柏油烫伤了,在家养了些日子,才好一点,又得了瘟病,接连发了几天高烧,常常一阵阵烧得~。(《高玉宝》145) Yubao’s head,hands and feet had been so badly scalded when he fell into the tar tank that he had been laid up for many days. And barely had his burns begun to heal when he fell ill with a fever. For several days he ran a high temperature,often lapsing into fits of delirium.
❍ 到半夜,芳林嫂的娘已经~了,四肢发凉,只有口鼻还能呼出微弱的气息。(知侠《铁道游击队》519) Towards midnight Mrs Fanglin’s mother fell into a coma,her limbs became cold and stiff,and she breathed very faintly.
❍ 范进不看便罢,看了一遍,又念一遍,自己把两手拍了一下,笑了一声,道:“噫! 好了! 我中了!”说着,往后一交跌倒,牙关咬紧,不醒人事。(《儒林外史》41) Fan Jin feasted his eyes on this announcement,and,after reading it through once to himself,read it once more aloud. Clapping his hands, he laughed and exclaimed, “Ha!Good!I have passed.” Then,stepping back,he fell down in a dead faint.
❍ 接着,胸口吃了一拳,血打口里涌出,就倒下去~了。(高云览《小城春秋》6) Then he was punched hard in the chest; blood flowed from his mouth and he fell senseless to the ground.
❍ 他的叫声逐渐衰弱。被打到四十棍以后,便不知道疼痛,~ ……(姚雪垠《李自成》Ⅱ—802) His voice grew weaker,till after forty strokes,his sense of pain diminished and he gradually lost consciousness,…

不省人事bù xǐng rén shì






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