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单词 不相上下

不相上下bù xiāng shàng xià

about equal (/the same); all square; be hardly more than; be equal to; be much alike; be on a par (with); be up to(/with); equally(/well) matched; exactly like;more or less equal in strength (/value); much of a muchness; much the same; neck and neck; dingdong match;nip and tuck; rival; on a (/the same) level;on even terms (with); prick near; size up to (/with); without much difference
❍ 有的卖孝,说自己做这样的文章,是因为怕父亲将来吃苦的缘故,那可更了不得,价值简直和李密的《陈情表》 ~了。(《鲁迅选集》 Ⅲ—176) Others take advantage of filial piety,saying that they write as they do so that their fathers may not suffer in future; and this is even more impressive rivalling the plea written by Li Mi.
❍ 倒不是因为伙食和昨天~,而是因为军医们给我们进行了身体检查。(爱新觉罗·溥仪《我的前半生》405) …not because the food was still as good but because some army doctors gave us a physical examination.
❍ 这种行径,简直可以说是和偷了钱发迹的财主,~。(鲁迅《坟》105) In fact,we can say they behave exactly like the newly-rich who have gained their wealth through theft.
❍ 老实说,比赛射击技术,也许我们~,或者她们还比我们稍差一点,可是她们比我们组织起来的晚,能有这样的成绩是不简单的。(黎汝清《海岛女民兵》259)To be frank,we are much the same when it comes to shooting. Probably they are a bit behind us in this respect,but they were set up much later than we were and what they have done isn’s at all bad going.

不相上下bù xiānɡ shànɡ xià

彼此分不出高低。形容程度相等。equal matched, about the same, all square, eyeball to eyeball, be equal to





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