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单词 不求有功,但求无过

不求有功,但求无过bù qiú yǒu gōng,dàn qiú wú guò

not hope for great accomplishments,but only to be free from mistakes;not hope to distinguish oneself,but only not to make mistakes;not seek to be meritorious,but noly to avoid blame
❍ 先前他并没有起过这样的感情,只觉得张福全这个小伙子,在工作上的进取心不大,常常是~,……(艾芜《百炼成钢》162)Formerly he did not have this kind of feeling towards him.He had only considered him as a mediocre worker,who didn’t have the ambition to improve himself or his work,and who just did his job in a matter-of-fact way,was not interested in gaining merit,but only in avoiding making mistakes.

不求有功,但求无过bù qiú yǒu ɡōnɡ,dàn qiú wú ɡuò

形容人不求上进,碌碌无为。seek only to avoid flaw, only praying to commit no wrong





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