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单词 不死不活

不死不活bù sǐ bù huó

(of an enterprise) be abominably run; neither dead nor alive; half dead;lifeless; lethargic
❍ 到这里我才记得写错了题目,这真是成了“~”的东西。(鲁迅《伪自由书》75) I see now that I have chosen the wrong title. This is really neither fish nor fowl.
❍ 在敌人暗无天日的统治下,煤矿陷入~的半停顿状态。(吴运铎《把一切献给党》11) In those dark days when the reactionaries held sway,the mine was abominably run.
❍ 只对于第二点加以猛烈的教诫,大致是说他“死板”和“活泼”。既然都不赞成,即等于主张女性应该~,那是万分不对的。(《鲁迅选集》Ⅲ—20) I did,however,admonish him most sharply on the second point,to the effect that,if he approved of neither“stiff” girls nor “lively” girls it was tantamount to liking girls half a live and half dead,and that was very wrong indeed.

不死不活bù sǐ bù huó

形容没有生气,不死不活。lifeless, half dead, neither dead nor alive





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