单词 | full |
释义 | full/fʊl/ adj [-er/-est]; adv adj (1) 1) 满的,充(装)满……的(holding or containing as much as possible) [A (of)]:The little café is~to bursting. 小咖啡馆里人挤得满满的。The wineglass is~to the brim. 酒杯满得快溢出来了。talk with one's mouth~嘴里塞满了食物讲话;The car park/bus/basket is almost (too/absolutely)~. 停车场/大轿车/篮子几乎(太/完全)满了。be~of rubbish/rainwater充满了垃圾/雨水;a~bucket装得满满的桶;~house客满的影(剧)院;〖同〗 filled,packed;〖反〗empty,vacant,blank; 2)(装,盛)很多的;挤满的 (containing or having many or much;crowded) [A (of)]:a cabinet~of medicine 装满药的柜子;a room~of people挤满人的房间;half~盛了一半;I was~of confidence/vitality. 我充满信心/活力。 (2) 头脑里只想着某事的(engrossed,occupied in thinking about sth) [A (of)]:He was~of his own anxieties. 他满脑子焦虑的事。He was~of his plans (to visit America) /his troubles. 他尽想着(访问美国的)计划/他的麻烦了。 (3) 吃饱(喝足)的(having eaten or drunk enough,often to the point of discomfort) [A(up)] (infml):I'm~up. 我已吃饱了。go swimming on a~stomach吃饱了肚子去游泳; (4) 1) 充分的,详尽的,完整的(whole;complete) [作attrib]:give~information/details/ instructions/reports 提供完整的资料/详情/全面的指导/充分的报告;give~attention给予密切的关注;realize the~implications 意识到隐含的全部含意;have sb's~support有某人的充分支持;~members of the club俱乐部享有充分权利的会员;~supply of firewood/description of the thief木材的充分供给/有关小偷的详尽描述;write down one's~name/address写下自己的全名/详细地址;〖同〗complete,thorough;〖反〗partial,incomplete; 2) 完全(十足)的 (complete;of the total extent,length,time) [作attrib]:a~account of what happened/force of the wind对所发生事情的完整的陈述/劲风;The trees are in~flower. 树上开满鲜花。The roses are in~bloom. 玫瑰花盛开。across the plain at~speed/gallop全速穿过平原;be away/abroad for a~year离开/在国外整整一年;~marks满分;a~three feet足足三尺;~page整页(版)的; (5) 圆的;丰满的 (having a round fat shape) [通常作attrib]:a~er figure/face 较丰满的身材/脸;~breasts/red lips丰满的乳房/圆润的红嘴唇;rather~in the face 脸又圆又胖;the~est contours of the figure最丰满的身材外形;Her face was~. 她的面部丰满。 (6) (衣服、裙子等)宽大(松)的 ((of clothes) loose and made of a lot of material):~skirts/sleeves宽松的裙子/袖子;The skirt is too~for me. 这条裙子对我来说太宽大了。make a jacket a little~er across the back 把夹克衫的背部做得稍微宽松些;〖反〗tight; (7) 强烈的;洪亮的 ((of flavour,of tone or voice) having depth and body;rich):~flavour 强烈的气味;a wine with a~body浓烈的酒;a~tone洪亮的音调; at full stretch 全力以赴:work at~stretch全力以赴地工作; come to a full stop 完全停止:The train came to a~stop. 火车完全停了下来。 (at) full blast 以最大的力量(活力):going/talking/shouting~blast疾步行走/高声谈话/大声疾呼; full of beans/life 精力充沛,生机勃勃:The children were~of beans as they got ready for a picnic. 孩子们准备好去野餐,个个兴高采烈。 (at) full length 伸得平直地:lie~length on the bed直挺挺地躺在床上; full of oneself (derog) 自私的;骄傲自大的:She is~of herself,so people dislike her. 她很自私,人们都不喜欢她。 full of one's own importance (derog) 自命不凡:She's always~of her own importance. 她总是自高自大。 in full 全部(面):They played “Hamlet” in~. 他们演出了《哈姆雷特》全剧。write the name in~写下全名; in full swing 十分活跃:By midnight the party was in~swing. 午夜时分晚会正值高潮。 to the full 充分地,尽情地:enjoy life/one's trip to the~尽情享受生活/自己的旅行;enjoy to the~a new sensation 充分享受一种新的感觉; →′fully adv 完全地,全面地;至少;全部地;′fullness n 完全,充分,全部,充满;full-′blooded adj 纯种的;精力充沛的;健壮的;͵full-′blown adj (指花朵)盛开的;͵full- ′bodied ′adj浓郁而强烈的;͵full-′length adj (照片、镜子等)全身的;未经删节的,足本的;͵full-′scale adj 原尺寸的;实比的;͵full-′time adj 全时间的;专职的; adv (1)准确地;直接地(exactly;directly):a blow that caught him~on the chin 一拳正打在他的下巴上;The light shone~on his face. 灯光正好照在他脸上。 (2) 很,非常(very;completely):You knew~well what time the film was starting. 你完全知道电影什么时间开始。 |
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