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单词 不成体统

不成体统bù chéng tǐ tǒng

a disgrace; disgraceful:most improper; indecent; indecorous; downright outrageous
❍ 平儿忙说:“单你们,有一百也不成个体统。难道没有两个管事的头脑儿带进大夫来?” (《红楼梦》712)“Even if a hunared of you were to go to meet the doctor,it wouldn’t look proper,”objected Ping’er.“Surely there are chief stewards’ wives to take him in?”/所以我想他们若尽着搁在一块儿,毕竟~。(《红楼梦》1176) (…just because they are growing up now.)So I don’t think it proper to leave them together all this time.
❍ 今日老爷没空问这件~的事,叫我来回太太,该怎么便怎么样。(《红楼梦》1219) Today,as he has no time to look into this scandal,he’s told me to report it to you,madame,to do as you think fit.


speak or behave badly or atrociously;be downright outrageous
简直~ It’s simply outrageous;It’s turning everything upside down.

不成体统bù chénɡ tǐ tǒnɡ

体统:体制,格局,规矩。形容言行没有规矩。in bad taste,most improper,out of the way, disgraceful, indecent





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