释义 |
不容分辩不容分说bù róng fēn biànallow no explanation (to be offered); before one can appeal; not allowed to defend oneself (against a charge); without giving one time to object ❍ ~,叶廷秀登时被锦衣拿了,拖在午门外边。(姚雪垠《李自成》Ⅱ—798) Before he could appeal,Ye Tingxiu was quickly arrested and dragged out. ❍ 一脚踢开了门进去,也不容分说,抓着鲍二家的就撕打。(《红楼梦》542)Next she kicked open the door and burst into the room. Without a word she caught hold of Bao Er’s wife and pummelled her,…/说着,一个个都上来解荷包,解扇袋,不容分说,将宝玉所佩之物,尽行解去。(《红楼梦》 199) ❶Swarming round without so much as a“by your leave,” they stripped him of his scented pouch,fan-sheath and other pendants . ❷And without a “by leave”they began to despoil him,beginning with the purse and his fan-case,of all his trinkets,until every one of the objects he carried about him had been taken from him. ❍ 于是不容分说,便提笔写在后面. (《红楼梦》833) Without giving her time to object,he picked up a brush and added this title. |